Ricoh Theta V: first month of the exploatation

At the end of June I bought Ricoh Theta V for posting video-panoramas on GSV. For a long time I could not choose between Insta 360 One X and Ricoh Theta V, there were a lot of pro and contra arguments about both cameras, but anyway, I made up my mind for Ricoh. Before I used Ricoh Theta SC, and I already knew about work principles of Ricoh application.

This month was productive for me of making videos. I filmed ~200 km of Voronezh Oblast, and after I went with my family to a very long (more than 5000 km) trip by car to the North of Russia, where I filmed such places as Solovetsky island, town of Kem’ in Karelia and Vytegra in Vologda Oblast (soon I’ll make a big post in Russian about this jorney). I mounted my camera on the top of my car, using Delkin DDMNT-TRIPLE Fat Gecko Three-Arm Suction Mount and Dicom TM12 selfie stick, that allowed to fix this construction at optium height.

After month of using Ricoh Theta V I can note the following advantages of the camera:

* ease of use and management

* fast charge

* good quality (it seemed to be much more better, that 4K)

* opportunity of using camera on high speed (in some placed I accelerated up to 130 km/h, or 81 mph when video-panoramas recorded, and even on this speed I got good quality picture)

* camera is very compact and convenient for transportation

* good price (I bought it for 20800 RUB, or 328 USD)

* minimum interval of shhoting - 4 sec (8 sec for Theta SC)

But also I can tell about some disadvantages:

* small volume of memory - only 19 GB, or 30 minute operation in 4K video mode - it isn’t good to making videos on the big areas. Wherein, it’s impossible to upgrade memory volume, cuz there isn’t memory card slot.

* videos are not always deleted from the camera after downloading to the phone - I need to carry notebook every my GSV-trip

* clearly visible place of stitching image

* the camera often overheats and switch off after it.

In general, I am satisfied with my choice of Ricoh Theta V. It’s good variant for GSV-beginners for it’s price.


Hi @TimurMamedrzaev thank you for sharing with us your experience about the street view ready camera, the Ricoh Theta V. I am using it also to capture 360 photos and also record in video mode, this was a gift from the Local guide team for those who attended Connect Live 2018. I expected to hear if you managed to record in video mode but you were not specific on that one, I guess you did record in video mode since you mounted the camera on top of your car. Do you have any photos published which you can share with us, I would like to see how they look and where you were recording?

Here is the link to some of my 360 photos published using Ricoh Theta V published 360 photos and the last one is what I recorded in Video mode I hope you will like it. I also mounted the camera on a helmet and here is the video of how it looks:

This is what I can share for now, I am sure you will learn one or two and also share with others. Thanks!


@Raphael-Mahumane , hello!

Thank you for your feedback. Up to this day, I used Ricoh Theta V only in video-mode, because I also have Ricoh Theta SC, that I use now like additional camera for sharing spherical photos. For this month it was need only 2 times to use camera in photo mode, for example, in Solovetsky monastery.

I used interval-shooting mode earlier, when I haven’t Theta V:

Not far away from Voronezh - in interval shooting mode from the car on very slow (10 km/h) speed

Here you can see some examples of Ricoh Theta V video-mode panoramas: M11 Highway in Russia between Moscow and Saint-Petersburg - here I drove 130 km/h, street in Solovetsky island - shooted from the bike, dirt road near Voronezh - here there was a strong car vibration.

As I also can see, between Theta V and SC there is a slight difference in color rendering: Theta V pictures seem to be with more “cold” colors, than SC.

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Hi @TimurMamedrzaev you di a very good job, all your photos looks nice and clear, what was that white stuff near the church where there is mud, was that ice?

I like your work, can you please share how you removed the nadir or the base of your camera, which may be tripod?


@TimurMamedrzaev Thetha V tend to remove the light on the photos. That is not good at all.

@TimurMamedrzaev when adding a link please make sure to select open in a new page, so that we can follow the link without loosing the current page you are reading from.

see the screen shor:

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@Raphael-Mahumane , for removing tripod from single or interval-shooted panoramas I use Panoskin software (before uploading you can choose size of blurring or use your logo).

I don’t know about materials near the church, but I think that it’s something for reconstruction works, now there are a lot of closed for renovation areas.

About links: ok, I’ll know about opening in another page)

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