Ricoh Theta problem


I bought a Ricoh Theta Camera, the model is just Ricoh Theta.

All pictures that I try to upload on Google Stret View App are refused, they are sayng that I have a low resolution picture.

Do you know how to configure that camera to use a best quality to upload?

Thanks And regards


Hi @GustavoSapienza did you installed the official Ricoh Theta app? You can set up resolution from the app.

Hi @LucioV , dont have a “resolution camera” field, take a look:

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Yes, you are right, will try tomorrow on my theta to see if this issue is replicable

Hi @Torcida ,

Yes, It doesn’t have video mode and it has only two button on side of my camera.

What should I do?

I’m disappointed because I bought it only to use to Google Street View and here in Brasil I spent U$400 in that used. it was so expensive :frowning:

Hi @GustavoSapienza @LucioV

I have the following menus in my Ricoh Theta S camera. Yours or mine wrong?. Which menu are you talking about.

  1. First Setting Menu

  1. Camera Settings Menu

  1. Shooting Setting Menu