Ricefield in Sukabumi West Java Indonesia

Beberapa kali saya melewati hamparan sawah ketika saya menuju Jampangtengah Sukabumi. Keindahan Sawah di Sukabumi tidak kalah sama dengan yang di Cianjur. Several times I passed a stretch of rice fields when I headed to Jampangtengah Sukabumi. The beauty of rice fields in Sukabumi is no less the same as in Cianjur.

Pemerintah Indonesia sudah targetkan Sukabumi sebagai cadangan sawah dengan angka 18 % nasional. Hal ini penting agar ketersediaan beras di Indonesia tercukup sehingga tidak perlu import.

The Indonesian government has targeted Sukabumi as a rice field reserve with a national figure of 18%. This is important so that the availability of rice in Indonesia is sufficient so there is no need to import.


thank you @MukulR

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thank you @Sophia_Cambodia

Hello @Wisnusetiono ,

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us, the area looks so amazing and green!

Was this your first visit to this place? How far is this field from the closest inhabited city or village?

Are there any activities that could be done in this place? Is rural tourism famous in your country?

Is this a famous destination among locals and tourists?

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@BorrisS I go to Sukabumi once a week. The distance between the rice fields and the city is quite far, about 1.5 hours. in Indonesia, rice fields are a place for city people to breathe fresh air. quite a lot of rice fields in rural areas. This is my last timelines coming to Sukabumi on 12 January 2021:

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thank you for your attention @BorrisS

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thank you @Farshid_Agham_Ali

thank you @Ativat


Did you know that where there is paddy field there is a house and the village near by…

  1. Indonesia have the most beutiful and famous rural tourisme destination in the world…pls come to indonesia if u can’t belive to what I say…eventhough I come feom Malaysia