Beberapa kali saya melewati hamparan sawah ketika saya menuju Jampangtengah Sukabumi. Keindahan Sawah di Sukabumi tidak kalah sama dengan yang di Cianjur. Several times I passed a stretch of rice fields when I headed to Jampangtengah Sukabumi. The beauty of rice fields in Sukabumi is no less the same as in Cianjur.
Pemerintah Indonesia sudah targetkan Sukabumi sebagai cadangan sawah dengan angka 18 % nasional. Hal ini penting agar ketersediaan beras di Indonesia tercukup sehingga tidak perlu import.
The Indonesian government has targeted Sukabumi as a rice field reserve with a national figure of 18%. This is important so that the availability of rice in Indonesia is sufficient so there is no need to import.
@BorrisS I go to Sukabumi once a week. The distance between the rice fields and the city is quite far, about 1.5 hours. in Indonesia, rice fields are a place for city people to breathe fresh air. quite a lot of rice fields in rural areas. This is my last timelines coming to Sukabumi on 12 January 2021:
Did you know that where there is paddy field there is a house and the village near by…
Indonesia have the most beutiful and famous rural tourisme destination in the world…pls come to indonesia if u can’t belive to what I say…eventhough I come feom Malaysia