Hi @Sayan19 and welcome to Connect.
Thank you for sharing your photo! Where is located this rice field? Sharing more information about the images you upload will help others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.
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Hi @Sayan19 ,
Nice capture brother.
Thanks for your photography.
Could you please share with us a little bit more about the place where you took and about the rice field.
Advance thanks,
Thank you
Hi @Sayan19 ,
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You’re welcome @Sayan19 ,
Another great post you can take a look at is 14 helpful tips for using Connect where you’ll find some great tips.
Hi @Sayan19 ,
Welcome to Local Guides Connect!
Thank you for sharing this photo with us. Are you a farmer? Is this your rice field? Can you share a bit more information about the rice field and your experience while taking this photo I think it will be interesting for other Local Guides? I can share some photos from my place of rice fields after harvest.