Reviews not showing

Hi guys,

I have written over 1300 reviews over the years and had over 25000 points as a local guide - all of a sudden my profile shows all my contributions except the reviews. Has anyone ever encountered this issue? I am certain I have not violated any rules, I guess it’s some kind of technical error. If I click on reviews they all ahow up, but not in the statistics and the points don’t show as well.


Hi @Korben1

this issue has been reported by others, about the discrepancy between what you see on different place on Google maps


please try to logout from Google Maps, clear cache and login again.

The issue has normally been solved in 24 hours


Hello @Korben1

That’s yet another unusual glitch.
It appears that only the new contributions within the last twenty-four hours are getting counted for points!
I suggest you create a backup of your reviews through the menu item “Your data on Maps” while the content is visible still.

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Where do I find that menu option?

Hi @Korben1 ,

Thanks for reaching out.

Can you please confirm if the reviews are still not visible for you? And can you please provide some screenshots?

I can confirm that reviews are still not showing. It used to be something like 1320 and I used to have almost or already 25000 points. Don’t remember the exact number though.

Yesterday for a brief period even the 7000 answers were not shown anymore, but those are back now.

So I understand that everything is okay now, right @Korben1 ?

You can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

Here is a link to the list with all our usernames: Meet the Google Moderators.

No absolutely not, there are still 1300 reviews not showing and 17000 points missing @MoniV

@Korben1 , can I please ask you to verify if the reviews are visible in 48 hours. If not, please let us know.

There are a few updates to how your answers to questions about places on Google Maps are stored and how you need to enable a setting to answer future questions:

  1. You must enable general activity in My Activity to answer questions about places on Google Maps
  • Any answers submitted when this setting was disabled may be removed, and as a result, your Local Guides points will be removed for those contributions.1. When you visit My Activity, you’ll be able to see answers you shared and control what is saved.
  • If you delete a specific answer, or if you delete the activity for the day, or have the 3 month/18 month deletion enabled it will delete those answers.
  • If you delete answers to questions during any time frame, your answer will be deleted from Google Maps, and as a result, your Local Guides points will be removed for those contributions.

Hi @MoniV ,

I am pretty sure, that this has nothing to do with my settings, they should be fine, I’ve double checked. I was just looking at an old review of mine - there all of my reviews were listed, but still they are gone in the overview (as well as their points)

I added a screenshot to show the discrepancy.