Thanks dear all for your supports,
@DeniGu @LucioV @StephenAbraham @user_not_found
@MohanVee @Saravanakanth @JohnPeter @Shrut19
This post is deals with, how I evolved, few of my Scoring Style.
As a Traveller-Photographer-Reviewer, I keep visiting many places, every month. In the beginning, I too had the problem, how to review or how to rate?. Then, I started thinking in different angles. The truth is, there are different types of people, doing the search – can we write a review, acceptable for all? (fully, may not be possible)
I am referring to my first post, here. Taking the “Restaurant” as the example, let us look at this aspect – who are the different types of people, searching for Restaurants?
- Travellers / Tourists
- Family (going out for food)
- Friends
- Relax / Get away
- Office single
- Office Group
- Etc… (many more)
If you get into each, then we can definitely bring in more accuracy; but for this post, for the purpose of reference, let us consider the common factors, (as example).
- Veg or Non Veg Restaurant?
- Alcohol served or not?
- Vegan / Gluten free?
- Fruit juices?
- Sweets / Ice-cream available?
- Is it suitable for family?
- Facility for handicapped?
- Air-conditioned area / seating available?
- Is high chair available?
- Is menu Card available?
- Children’s menu?
- Has it got Ladies Toilet, if so, is it usable?
- Will quick bite / fast service available?
- Attitude of service people?
- To relax, outdoor seating is available?
- Quality (taste), Quantity & Rate of dishes?
- Special dishes, if any?
- Cleanliness / Hygiene?
- If Parking (4 wheeler / Bus, specially)?
- Card payment available or not?
- If Buffet is available?
- Is meeting /seminar halls available?
If we keep, these in mind, I think, a Restaurant can be rated (at prima facia), to a good extend. Of course, I don’t say that the above questions are complete; but, just for guidance. Even, on a global platform, the questions may vary – I agree.
Are you interested to have a look at the previous, post-4? Here, it is for you.
#. 1. Here is a typical Menu Card from South India.
#. 2. This is the famous “Masala Dosa” of India, served HOT on plantan leaf, which is more tasty…
This following Photo:
A fountain in Nymans, an English garden (West Sussex, England), which was developed by Messel family for three generations (starting in the late 19th century) and presently run by National Trust (London).
This is a very beautiful property with ruins of big building, etc. I will include a separate write up under ‘Travel’, later - lot of flowers, collections from different countries!
Thanks, dear all…