Reviews been deleted.

Hi Everyone.

Every review I post is been deleted no matter if it’s positive or negative. I have tried to get this sorted for the last 7 months and I’m sent around in circles.

Can somebody here help.


@MortenCopenhagen or @ErmesT : can someone of you be of any help here? Perhaps it could be handy if we would see an example of a review you wrote, so that Ermes or Morten can be of any help?


All very similar to this even one star ratings or reviews with pics are all deleted.


De kans bestaat dat u op een of andere manier de regels van Google maps schendt. Ik zie geen tekst, want ik vermoed dat u een afbeelding of screenshot van uw tekst maakte en die in het bericht plakte. Maar u mag niet eender wat in uw recenties schrijven en afbeeldingen moeten ook bepaalde regels volgen. Een afbeelding b.v. moet info geven over de plaats in kwestie, mag niet van het internet gehaald zijn om uw recentie te illustreren, … en een recentie moet over de plaats zelf gaan, niet b.v. over een product dat u daar kocht. Maar dat is dus de reden dat ik 2 moderatoren tagde, zodat ze u meer gerichte tips kunnen geven.


Thanks for the tag, @KattyGeltmeyer

First of all, @user_not_found , let us make sure we are talking about the same problem. When you use the term “deleted”, then this is different from just being hidden (not posted). Hidden reviews can still be seen in your list of reviews, but they do not show up publicly under the places. Reviews can also be deleted, but this only happens if they are super spammy or fake. Yours are “only” hidden.

Next, the spam filter is not only looking at the individual texts. Your track record is also taken into account. So it will not always be possible to find and fix the issues within each review. When your star ratings also get restricted, this makes me believe that the problem is more general and not to be found in the individual texts. As @KattyGeltmeyer hinted photo violations can also cause reviews to be unpublished.

From your public profile you have added the following:

Currently, none of these are public.

Your profile could be set to restricted. Please check your privacy settings as explained here. It can also be done from a Desktop computer. Goto Your contributions, then Profile settings, toggle Restricted profile.

Let me know if your profile is restricted or not. The next step depends on this.



Hi it was restricted for some reason, I have turned that feature off now. Yes my reviews are hidden as opposed to deleted but I have not posted any spam pictures or reviews.


Ook ik heb 2 verborgen recenties en ik weet niet waarom ze verborgen zijn, ook de foto die ik bij een recentie postte, is verborgen en ik kan helaas ook niet uitvinden waarom dat het geval is. Ik kan u helaas niet echt adviseren, maar misschien kan @MortenCopenhagen dat nu wel, nu uw profiel beschikbaar is voor een check?


Thanks for unrestricting your profile, @user_not_found .

It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.

I can confirm from your public profile that you have added 172 reviews and only 2 of them are public. Out of your 38 videos and photos, 35 are public.

Google has automatic filters that hide your reviews so only you can see them. This can happen when some of your reviews violate the review guidelines.

Read about typical review guideline violations here. And please see my latest post called 4 Tips on writing better reviews.

As I can not see your hidden reviews the task is really on your shoulders to figure out what kind of violations you are making. You need to read the two links shared above with an open mind. Be ready to accept that you might have made mistakes. Luckily you can edit your reviews to make them better. After hitting resubmit you can immediately check if they went public by using an incognito window or a friend’s phone.

Of the two public reviews one says “Sound lad’s” and is posted to I’m not sure what you mean. Reflect on how helpful this statement is for other Maps users wanting to know about the place to decide if they will go visit there.

If you are on a Desktop use this link to Count your hidden contributions. From a mobile device use this link.

If you want to identify which of your reviews are hidden check this post.

After you have fixed your issues please use the form called Account Investigation for contributions not visible on Google Maps if you believe that some of your contributions have been wrongfully unpublished. Keep in mind, that it takes several weeks for the check to be done, and you will not be notified about the result, so I suggest you check the status of your reviews once a week or so. Don’t use the form before you have cleaned up what you can find

Best of luck



There are quite a few issues with your photos also. Let us focus on fixing the reviews first.



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@MortenCopenhagen Thanks Sound means nice guys/Helpful here in Ireland. None of my reviews contain any of the violations either also I cannot see any problem with my photos.

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I posted these two earlier today and both not posted?

What could possibly be wrong with either review?

@MortenCopenhagen @KattyGeltmeyer Another today…

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Did you tap Details, @user_not_found

Is there an option to appeal the hiding?

If not you will need to critically go over your contributions again with all the guidelines in mind


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@MortenCopenhagen Yes their is an appeal button but it rejects it immediately. I have gone over my reviews and their is nothing wrong with them.

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Did you make your profile restricted again? If not then more of your contributions have been taken down.

I can’t help you if you insist you did not violate any guidelines. You need an open mind to be able to figure out what you did wrong. The guidelines are so detailed that every one violates some of them.



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No didn’t make profile restricted. Look I have gone through all my reviews and photos and see no problem but obviously you can see problems but won’t tell me.

@user_not_found @@@truckermal: I personally would not insult @MortenCopenhagen. If I were you, I would first try to solve the issues with current reviews and pictures before posting new ones. I would suggest you to copy the text of some hidden reviews (no screenshots, because pictures of text can’t be read by a screenreader =considered as a picture) so that I can read some of the texts of hidden reviews. Google also uses your account’s reputation: if google considers you as a spammer (although you aren’t) they will continue to do so if you don’t change something. We are willing to help, but as we can’t look into your head nor see the hidden reviews or other hidden content, we only can try to give you tips and info, the improvements are up to you.

I have not insulted anybody, I have no hidden reviews .

Last review was from a Car Wash and was worded…

Called here for a Carwash as it came recommended and I was extremely happy with the results!

That was taken down straight away, now you tell me what’s the problem with that…

Okay, I will try to post one of my reviews (written in Dutch) about a restaurant. The restaurant itself is permanently closed, but I hope this review is illustrative.

“Laat ik met het positieve beginnen: het eten zelf was lekker, het personeel bereidwillig om te helpen en de muziek stond niet te luid. Maar ik vind dat een concept niet belangrijker is dan het eten en een goed gevoel van de klant. Oké, misschien was het in ons geval niet de verstandigste keuze om een schotel te delen (sommige gerechten worden voor minimaal 2 personen geserveerd). Maar als je een koppel met visuele beperking bent, is dit geen geschikt adres om wat te gaan eten. Ik moest constant hulp vragen aan de andere leden van de groep waar we mee uit eten gingen, de spijskaart kon ik enkel lezen nadat ik het restaurant contacteerde en ze me een toegankelijke versie van de spijskaart stuurden (deze op de website was niet leesbaar voor me). Ook het feit dat het concept zoveel uitleg en toelichting behoeft, vind ik niet zo gunstig. Ik heb al fijnere eetmomenten gehad met veel minder poespas.
Ter plaatse eten
Soort maaltijd
Prijs per persoon
€ 70-80”

@user_not_found truckermal: You wrote about that carwash, you are happy with the service (I suppose) but you are not answering the simple question “why would I go to that specific carwash?” Another question could be: “what would I like to know about this place before visiting it?” You are the local person who’s guiding someone who don’t know your region, city, … Hope this is all helpfull.

Sincerely, Katty

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