Reviewer posted 156 ratings in 1 day and all are 4 stars


A friend came to me and it seems like a bot went review crazy and did 156 reviews in a day- all of them 4 stars.

These reviews were all over different states and only star reviews and done by an account called:

Because of this, he became a level 5 Local Guide but I think it is a fake account! What should I do?


Hi, @Cocofoshosho , first, I suggest you edit your post to remove personal information, about the LG.

To report a Local Guide, follow the instructions here

I’m also copied the most relevant part to you.

".::Reporting a Local Guide

If you’ve found a Local Guide contributing content or behaving in a way that seems to violate our policies or Local Guides program rules, let us know here on Connect—but be sure not to share that person’s information publicly. Post a comment about the issue and tag a Google Moderator. The team will reach out to you via private message with instructions on how to proceed further."

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I’ve marked the answer of @AlexandreCampbell as the solution as it is correct.

If you would like me to take a look please PM me a link to the profile that has left the reviews @Cocofoshosho and I will escalate if warranted.



This is exactly what I need! Thank you so much for your time!

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Thank you so much!! I’ll PM you the info to take a look at!

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