Reviewed places (starred and commented) keep showing in the "proposed places to be reviewed list"

Hello everyone.

In the proposed places to be reviewed, just at the left side under the contribute tab, the same places keep showing over and over and over even I reviewed them several times both starred and commented. Don’t know what to do. When I review them again it doesn’t count to my Local Guides points because I’ve already reviewed them!

help please

thank you!


Hi @franmf I have somewhat the same problem I believe. It seems that virtually every POI I’ve ever reviewed is showing up wanting to be reviewed again. I’ve been opting to “Dismiss” them, a bunch at a time, but as I’ve reviewed over 800 POI’s I just do 30 or so at a time then get tired and stop. I’m not sure if they’ll show back up again or not. I hope not. I think this issue started a few days ago when to fix another issue, (“Maps badge circles missing information”) it was recommended that I go into the Maps app and opt to clear the cache and data. Then force stop and disable the app followed by a restart. This procedure fixed the display problem I was having plus another problem of not receiving Q&A’s. But, perhaps it caused this problem you and I are now having with the reviewed places. I’ll copy @Shirley and @StephenAbraham on this as perhaps they may have some insight on what can be the problem.

Regards, Koby