Review related stats missing. Only me? How to troubleshoot and solve?

In some places, my reviews are counted and in others, they are zero. (There is no in-between, only these extremes)

I noticed this when I lost almost all my badges today (except the ones that are not related to reviews), I was just going to do the usual self-improvement thing of looking at what I could do to expand my horizons using the badges as goalposts and just wanted to remind myself of what I needed to do to be a better photo provider to the Local Guide program.

I do no longer have any liked reviews, this could be easily explained with “The place with the liked review has been removed.” But over 50?

However, I also have not one single review with more than 200 characters anymore, which is easily confirmed as being false. And yet again, over 50 places removed?
I have no first reviews anymore either, and this could also be explained with the places being removed, but with the review counter seemingly not working this seems to point to something other than place removals even though these specific places would be more likely to have disappeared in Covid-19 times. And once again, over 50 places?

I am not worried about any missing points, I have long since given up going past 50k, and I am satisfied where I am.
but the badges to hurt, I do not feel the need to show them publicly but I liked the accomplishment and what they made me strive towards and was to grow.



First of all, welcome in Connect

Without your 609 reviews it will not be possible for you to have more than 24.000 points. It means that the reviews are counted on the points.

The fact that the reviews are not visible on your profile, nor counted on your badges, can be a technical glitch, or a misalignment of the databases, that is normally solved in a short time.

Sometimes there is a procedure to push the database to upload the data again. It doesn’t work all the times, but it is simple to try:

  • Logout from your profile in Google Maps App, and close the app
  • Clear the cache on your device
  • Restart the app again

Sometimes this procedure is enough to force the database to upload the data again.

BTW, as the reviews are counted on your profile, everything will be back to normal soon.

Please give us a feedback in a couple of days

Thank you

Hello @Makoo
Many a time, the program doesn’t display the contributions for the reasons mentioned by the moderator.

Nevertheless, whenever that happens, I check my public profile & there I can always see every public review & photo posted by me.
That assures me that the non-visibility is a temporary glitch.
Think you are aware of how to view the public profile.

However, I find no reviews on your public profile.
I apprehend, the program has marked all the reviews as private.
To confirm that, can you try posting a new review & check what happens to that?

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An increasing amount of my reviews have become unlisted/private/unfindable/hidden, etc by anyone that is not me over the past few months.
This seemed to be a case of the system thinking I have worked there in most of the cases.

Basically I think that Google is overreacting because 4 years ago I worked at an ISP/IT-Technician and has decided that I have worked at places I have never worked because Google Maps decides that the IP is similar enough. And if what you say is true, it might have finally flipped and done the same with ALL my reviews, no matter the relationship to the actual IP’s or locations.

I mean, I have always held that the “We know where you work and won’t allow those reviews”-thing has never been a good idea because it does not understand the intricacies of ISP, Contracting, Sub-contracting, multiple employers, DNS, tunneling services and freelance work and so on. I also do not think it can necessarily differentiate between School/Govermentally mandated programs and work either.

I can vouch for the fact that “Writing reviews on Office Wifi” is not all that makes a review be marked as private, since 4 years after working at a company, another company in the same area is now immune to my review, 4 years later. And the company may very well be a client of them, or it might just be the fact that the company is in the same building as a client of theirs. Also not entirely sure that it is even all that good at differentiating between Office Wifi and the Guest Wifi either, which would mean that it get suspicious if you wrote a review while at a place or too soon after you were there.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if the above is related after what @C_T said.
However, I have checked my stats, the reviews, the points, the public profile etc and I can see my own reviews. I had already done this before asking the question :slightly_smiling_face:

I also do not want to post a new review just to test this, when all of this is going on because who knows if it decides to kick the spam protection on?

It is only the counters for everything review related, except for the amount of basic bulk of reviews that have been reset. And even that number is zero when looking at it sometimes from certain sites/apps/devices as well. To me, it does look like a glitch in the system as well, but with everything that has been happening to my reviews over the past few months, I just wanted to inform someone somewhere of this, just in case it is more than a one time glitch.

Thanks for your replies and assistance!

@ErmesT My Girlfriend can’t see a single one of my reviews.
I can sometimes see them, but mostly not. When I look at my reviews Google Maps says “1 review” and then it said “2 reviews” and then it went back to saying no reviews posted next to my picture next to my reviews.

Google is apparently marking each and every single one of my reviews as private, I even got a badge because I was the first reviewer of a place and then it removed the badge and reset the counter for first-time reviews. The same goes for videos posted.
The issue is just growing worse and worse and now none of my reviews are doing any good and my photos take days or hours to upload and be visible.