the local guide program is important to me because it will give me the opportunity to not only explore places but also meet colleagues to share our experiences to improve myself. indeed I say as a local guide on Google has helped outside of my country and to gain more respect when I am in places to take photos, maps, information to display on Google maps. People tend not to know a lot about Google Maps especially to stay more than a Local Guide so as not to question my services, but to be able to show them pictures of me being among the leader of google maps program world class will be beneficial by giving me confidence, pride. i will also be able to meet people from around the world and learn and respect their cutrual differences and spend time in the bar, restaurants and attractions because someone by the way would recommend it to me and i will be able to do favor in return and share diversity with the world. I remember twice I accompanied French tourists in Ivory Coast precisely in the cities of Man, Daloa, Assinie and Abidjan during their tourist stays or ascalapades because of the publications, they gave me confidence.
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Thanks for sharing!
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