Restoring last saved LGL account available

Hi, my name is Danilo Bolognesi and are a GLG 10 level. I deleted from my Google profile local guides
on 11 and 12 November a lot of photo and other

it’s possible to restore my profile with my data to Saturday 9 or Sunday 10 last ?

I do not know how often the data is saved


Salve , mi chiamo Danilo Bolognesi e sono una GLG di livello 10 . Erroneamnete mi sono cancellato dal mio profilo di Google local guide nei giorni 11 e 12 novembre sia delle foto sia delle recensioni.

E’ possibile restorare il mio profilo con i miei dati a sabato 9 o domenica 10 ultimo scorso ?

Non so con che frequenza vengono salvati i dati

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It’s possible to retrieve all your photos only If you’ve uploaded it to google my photos. @DaniloBolognesi You can ask the moderators for more solutions.


It’s possible to retrieve all your photos only If you’ve uploaded it to google my photos.

yes, i have do it.

@DaniloBolognesi You can ask the moderators for more solutions.

Can i help me with moderators ?

Can you help me with moderators ?

Hi @DaniloBolognesi thank you for reaching out. Referring from the Google Maps Help forum it is stated that there is no way to restore the photos, see this post and keep in mind that this is a question, an answer is provided bellow the question: Is there a way to recover deleted google maps photos?

The above answer is related only to Google Maps photos which is your contribution. Here is another answer which talks about your personal photos on Google photos and Google drive which are synced to your Google account from your device, see the question and the answer here Recover permanently delete photos.

Thank you.

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Hi @DaniloBolognesi ,

Thanks for reaching out!

In relation to your inquiry, as @Raphael-Mahumane and @thefamousosas , should your photo contributions be synchronized beforehand with Google Photos, you should be able to proceed to add them to the locations with reviews (however you may need to rewrite them).

For the moment, there would yet to be any other procedure to restore directly the deleted Contributions.

I just wanted to let you know, that the current post would be relocated to you previous one, as they do share a similar subject.

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Ciao @DaniloBolognesi , prova a vedere se le recensioni sono ancora disponibili su Google Takeout : seleziona solo

"Maps (I tuoi luoghi)

I record dei tuoi luoghi speciali e le tue recensioni dei luoghi" .
Fatto ciò ti ritroverai poi un file in formato .json che potrai aprire e dal quale puoi copiare le recensioni da te fatte.

Come spiegato da @sonnyNg non è possibile il ripristino dei contributi ad una determinata data, quindi dovresti manualmente inserire i contributi cancellati erroneamente a mano.

Facci sapere se hai bisogno di altro aiuto, siamo qui disponibili !
