Residents of British Residency, Lucknow-- appeared, claimed toll, consumed and left.

In the afternoon, we were taking rest for a while after visiting the monuments in the British Residency, Lucknow, India. We were chewing corns and waiting for afternoon tea which we carried with us. At that time all on a sudden, they appeared, came close and waited. We understood their natural claim and we surrendered, threw away the share slowly one after another to them; they took their time to consume with careful suspecious eyes on us and finally left the place keeping the eye fixed on us. We enjoyed their association. See—


These are very good photos @shantanu-kaizen , thanks for sharing with us. In my country (Brazil) we don’t see them very often. I’ve seen more them in States.

But I always confuse those little friends, I never know when they are squirrels or Chipmunks. Which one is more common in your country?

I also wanted to let you know that I’ve moved your post to the topic section Photography where it fits better. This section is used by the Local Guides to share their photos. =)