Request to Confirm your attendance in Chennai LG Meet UP - TravellerG

Dear Everyone,

On behalf of our host @RtnArulPrakasamT , I thank each one of you for your valuable supports, by registering 100 Attendees, in a very short time.

To our surprise, after the completion of 100 RSVP, we were contacted by many LGs, expressing their desire to attend the meet up and are waiting.

However, in most of the Connect Meet Ups, we have noticed that, due to many reasons, there will be many absentees – hence we are reaching you out.

On behalf of these enthusiastic LGs, we request all the attendees to review your plan of participation for the Chennai LGs Meet Up on 8th December; and in case, if you are unable to attend, kindly inform us & cancel your RSVP – if you inform us, we can inform the LGs who are in waiting list to do the RSVP, immediately after your cancellation.

“Kindly review & confirm your availability”.


If you have already done your RSVP and YOU ARE SURE TO ATTEND the event, then, you are welcome – kindly ensure that you ‘Register’ in the “Chennai LG Meet UP What’sApp Group” & confirm your availability.

Thanks to you all…

@Saravanakanth , @Selvamani_R @JohnPeter @Gurukrishnapriya @aravind_995




** @TravellerG **

Thanks for reminding all attendees,

I we are waiting for Varutualy attending Meetup…


Hai Traveller G, waiting for the meet up… Where can I join the Meetup what’s app group



** @JkSatheesh **

Please visit & follow this given link

CHENNAI LG MEET it will sure help to update all details…


Best Wishes from Bangladesh Local Guides, @TravellerG .


Yes ji.waiting for the day

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Very good opportunity to meet you all in person, but unfortunately missing this event due to unavoidable personal commitments on that day…

Wishing you all for the successfull meet up…

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