Hello Local Guides from BF. Organisons nous en communauté locale pour mieux fonctionner. S’il en existe déja, bien vouloir m’intégrer. Au cas contraire, créons ensemble cette communauté locale. Je suis joignable au .
Hi @MANO226 good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.
Have a read of How to Organise a Local Guides Meetup and HowTo: Leading a Photo/Food/Geo Walk
I hope your Meetup goes well.
For your safety and security it is highly preferred to not share private contact details here on Connect. You should use the private message system built into Connect.
Regards Paul
Hello @MANO226 ,
Thank you for sharing!
I’d like to note that I removed your personal information from your post. We do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety.
Please take a moment to review our community policy and check these useful tips on using this community before posting.