
The municipality of Renče-Vogrsko is a small rural municipality located in the lower Vipava Valley. Between the Trnovo plateau in the north and the Karst plateau in the south, its borders are formed by three important watercourses; Lijak stream, Vipava river in the Vogršček accumulation lake.


@Stimnikarm Beautiful shot… the place looks so calm and peaceful.

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Hello @Stimnikarm ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing this amazing photo with us, the area looks incredible! Do you live in this city or your were there on a visit? Is this region famous for something in particular?

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Amazing looks beautiful :heart:

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Can you tell how to google meet up people’s are meet ?

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Beautiful short… @Stimnikarm

Is there short edited?

Do you live here or visited this place?

All the best …

This is my hometown. Short is edited. Best regards from Slovenia

Hi @Stimnikarm ,

very welcome on Connect and thank you for this beautiful shot, nice town view especially with that sun light! And you are very close to Italy :wink: .

See you around!

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Thank you for sharing a panoramic view of Renče-Vogrsko

I like the golden hues that look mesmerizingly-beautiful.

Congratulations on posting your first article @Stimnikarm and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect.
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Hello @Stimnikarm ,

Just to let you know that you can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.