Please do remember not only to include famous destinations like malls and complexes because they are easy to navigate already, but do share lonely places like villages and rural areas and cultural sites, some places mean a lot to other people but are not recognized as local guides all I am saying is let’s try to keep it really local at times.
Please local guides do share with us the places of fellowship or prayer, or religious site where people can always stay connected to their faith and Believes.
Add roads without potholes and always recommend where to and how to get help if one stucks in open long roads
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Hi @Vusi
Welcome to local Guides connect
All POI are encouraged to be added on maps and local Guides know this…
Kindly take some time to read About Local Guides Connect
Also take some minutes to introduce yourself on Introduce-Yourself-June-2021
I merged your second post with the first one as they are about same thing.
Kind regards