Rejection reason

When a request is made to add a new road on Google Map …That is why your request is rejected, then why doesn’t Google Map tell the reason for the rejection … via email … if any mistake It has been done … can be fixed further …


Hi @ManojKumarDesai100

There are a lot of reasons for an edit not to be applied, and thousands of edit every hour in Google Maps. If an edit cannot be verified, will not be approved.

For more information, please read Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?

I suggest you once again to visit our Help Desk, where you will find an answer for most of your question


Hi @ManojKumarDesai100 ,

Thanks for sharing your concerns with us!

In a addition to what @ErmesT shared (which would also be picked as a solution, as it brings value to the main question of the post), I just wanted to let you know, that in relation to your inquiry, there would be an Idea, that explains the very close suggestion.

Do feel free to share your further thought on the matter at the shared link, if needed.

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