Reduce Reuse Recycle Plastic

This Video is about creating awareness about reducing plastic and creating awareness about how plastic waste can be reduced,reused and recycled

Thank you


Hi @VENK19

Please explain how this is relevant to Connect and Google Maps.


Hello @VENK19 ,

You may not have intended it, but your post looks like advertising to most people, especially as it is one of your first posts. Please make sure to check out the program rules and this post with tips on how to best participate and interact in this community.

Also your post was relabeled to the Photography section of Connect, as this is the place where you may share your amazing photos, discover posts about improving your photography skills, see stunning photos Local Guides have captured, read interviews with professional photographers, and more.​​​​​​​

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Mr Morten Copenhagen

I intend to create awareness about reduction of plastic waste among this community that’s why the post was made by me here

Thank you

Dear Masha

It’s not an Advertisement post I have made the post in how to section. Intention of my post is how to reduce plastic waste and make this community aware of it.

Thank u

Hi @VENK19 ,

Thank you for clarifying your intentions.

Please feel free to create a new great post with your tips and suggestions described with your own words. In What makes a good post? article you’ll find some great tips that will help you to get started.

Also, please take a look at the How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect? post to keep your contributions within the guidelines.

P.S Just as a reminder, don’t forget when responding to others make sure to tag them (by writing @ before their names) in a post so they can receive notifications that you are communicating with them.