[REDACTED] !!! Eating charcoal?!

Now a days there is a trend going around everywhere to add up charcoal colouring and to turn the dish into black colour like charcoal pasta, charcoal burgers,charcoal nachos. Is that good for health?


I suggest you change your subject wording @Eat_Everything , it is very inappropriate and unnecessary.


Hello @Eat_Everything ,

I am going to redact the title of your post as it is not appropriate to use this kind of language. Please keep in mind that using bad and offensive language is not encouraged here.

As for the black color of burgers, noodles, etc. I have also noticed this becoming quite famous these years, but I have never tried it before, have you?

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I am sorry for the title . Yes i have tried each one of them but i dont know they are good for health or not.
