Received Master Trailblazer badge by supporting Micro Businesses

Yesterday, I checked a micro business that I had added on January 26th while returning from Karauli after the meetup. It wasn’t approved at the time, even though I added it on the spot. However, on January 29th, I found that it had been approved. So, I wrote a review along with a photograph.

Later, when I checked the business on Maps, I noticed that the photograph added with the review was not appearing at the top of the business profile. So, I uploaded the photograph again yesterday, which I had taken back then.

Today, I checked my Trailblazer badge, as I was just one step away from earning the Master Trailblazer badge. And yes, I finally received it today! This means that it was my 50th first photograph of a business.

This is a perfect combo of contribution and celebration.
My earlier Badges alongwith the present on is here under in screenshots.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch :tada: @K.K.Sharma


Congratulations on the achievement @K.K.Sharma :bouquet:
Well deserved award for your impressive contribution to Google Maps.


Congratulations @K.K.Sharma , well done :+1:
I want to inform you that, to keep connect organized, I am changing your category to Connections & celebrations - Local Guides Connect, where it fits better

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Congratulations Dr Sharma, it’s a fantastic achievement :clap:

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Congratulation @K.K.Sharma :clap::tada:

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Congratulations :tada: @K.K.Sharma Sir

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Well done @K.K.Sharma

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Thank you @Ssiddharth2000

Thank you @SarathUpendran

Thank you @Gvipin

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Thank you @ShreyaMusings