[Recap] World Wide Photo Walk Vicenza

Hi Local Guides,

So finally the moment of Recap is arrived

World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up in Vicenza have been a very beautiful day, even with a low temperature.

Here is the original post of the Meetup: Let-s-Meet-Up/World-Wide-Photowalk-Vicenza/

This meetup is part of the World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World

As the meetup was at 2 PM, @AntonellaGr and myself, we moved by car from home at 1 PM

Everything was already prepared:

  • Stickers, of course, for all the Local Guides taking part of the event

We arrived in Vicenza at 2:05, and we found all the others already waiting for us

Due to the low temperature, we decidet to move quickly inside the city, guided in an excellent way by Paolo ( @plavarda ) with the support of Nicoletta and Davide ( @davidhyno ).

Vicenza, the “city of Palladio” has been listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994

Andrea Palladio was probably the most famous architect of the XVI century. A lot of architect used Palladio’s style. “Palladian villas” in Italy is a therm that don’t need to be explained

During the Meetups we discovered what City of Palladio means

Walking on the main street of Vicenza, you are surprised by the huge amoun of Stone-faces of demons that are watching you. The faces are carved in every keystone of all the palaces. They are there to protect the houses.

Also a lot of sculptures are in there, in the walls of the beautiful Palladian Buildings.

We moved quickly, crossing the city, to reach our first target: the Olympic Theater

The Teatro Olimpico is the first indoor theater in masonry in the world, with interiors made of wood, stucco and plaster.

The trompe-l’œil onstage scenery, has been designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, to give the appearance of long streets receding to a distant horizon,

After the Olympic theater, we moved to Palazzo Chiericati, onother masterpiece of Andrea Palladio

Palazzo Chiericati is now a museum, we visited it with the same ticket (you can buy a ticket for visiting most of the palladian Palaces, at the price of 15 Euro) used for the Olympic Theater

We started the visit from the Romans Underground of the palace, moving than to the exhibition on first and second floor

After the museum we decided to take a short time for drinking hot chocolate, and introducing each other and for explaining to the newcomers what the Local Guides are

Then, almost at sunset, we visited the main square, with the Basilica Palladiana

Paolo was at his best, in telling us stories and anecdotes about the place

Here is the album with the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jkym2YCi7r7tv9xq1

Enjoy the video of the Meetup, and drop down a comment if you like it. I will probably go in vicenza again soon, there are so many other beautiful things to see

A special thanks to @AlejandraMaria , @OSAMA , @ValeriaA , for the hard work in making this possible

Thanks @TraciC for Featuring the main event in Connect

Thanks to everyone, please read this post carefully, to discover a city that is an Italian hidden pearl



Awesome meet up @ErmesT ! You have made it a success! Very interesting ancient art pieces, I’ve studied some of them in my arts class so seeing them here in this recap is amazing. I’m really glad you had a good time despite the cold weather (a hot chocolate is always good company!) and I’m sure you made valuable contributions not just in Maps but also with yourself in bonding with other local guides. I remember saying “this will be great, this will be big” before all the meet ups happened and I can see that I was right.

Thank you for sharing this experience :slight_smile:

Happy guiding, see you around!


Wonderful @ErmesT
Your level of awesomeness is unmatchable, Just can’t stop looking at your photographs.
Happy guiding you are the mentor for me :slight_smile:


Hi, @ErmesT

Great meet-up!, Great works! and Great support for us!

Once again, I deeply appreciate so much for your help to add MyMap on our meet-up post.




Thanks @Haseeb , but I am not.

It is very easy to take beautiful photos of you have a so beautiful subject, like Vicenza is.

It is like to walk in a museum @ValeriaA , I agree

@user_not_found , you are welcome, we are here to help



Thanks @ErmesT ! I’ve been several times in Vicenza, but didn’t had the time for a deep experience! This RECAP is very nice and complete and made me wish to visit again with you in the future! :slight_smile:

@AntonellaGr looks so cold in the video! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing and for support! :slight_smile:


Hello @ErmesT .Your meetup looks awesome. I really loved the historic photos of those statues. Thanks for sharing this detailed and informative meetup with us.


Just one question: where are all the cats?!?!?


Wonderful writing, photography and post @ErmesT .

@ErmesT wrote:

Hi Local Guides,

So finally the moment of Recap is arrived

World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up in Vicenza have been a very beautiful day, even with a low temperature.

Here is the original post of the Meetup: Let-s-Meet-Up/World-Wide-Photowalk-Vicenza/

This meetup is part of the World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World

As the meetup was at 2 PM, @AntonellaGr and myself, we moved by car from home at 1 PM

Everything was already prepared:

  • Stickers, of course, for all the Local Guides taking part of the event

We arrived in Vicenza at 2:05, and we found all the others already waiting for us

Due to the low temperature, we decidet to move quickly inside the city, guided in an excellent way by Paolo ( @plavarda ) with the support of Nicoletta and Davide ( @davidhyno ).

Vicenza, the “city of Palladio” has been listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994

Andrea Palladio was probably the most famous architect of the XVI century. A lot of architect used Palladio’s style. “Palladian villas” in Italy is a therm that don’t need to be explained

During the Meetups we discovered what City of Palladio means

Walking on the main street of Vicenza, you are surprised by the huge amoun of Stone-faces of demons that are watching you. The faces are carved in every keystone of all the palaces. They are there to protect the houses.

Also a lot of sculptures are in there, in the walls of the beautiful Palladian Buildings.

We moved quickly, crossing the city, to reach our first target: the Olympic Theater

The Teatro Olimpico is the first indoor theater in masonry in the world, with interiors made of wood, stucco and plaster.

The trompe-l’œil onstage scenery, has been designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, to give the appearance of long streets receding to a distant horizon,

After the Olympic theater, we moved to Palazzo Chiericati, onother masterpiece of Andrea Palladio

Palazzo Chiericati is now a museum, we visited it with the same ticket (you can buy a ticket for visiting most of the palladian Palaces, at the price of 15 Euro) used for the Olympic Theater

We started the visit from the Romans Underground of the palace, moving than to the exhibition on first and second floor

After the museum we decided to take a short time for drinking hot chocolate, and introducing each other and for explaining to the newcomers what the Local Guides are

Then, almost at sunset, we visited the main square, with the Basilica Palladiana

Paolo was at his best, in telling us stories and anecdotes about the place

Here is the album with the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jkym2YCi7r7tv9xq1

Enjoy the video of the Meetup, and drop down a comment if you like it. I will probably go in vicenza again soon, there are so many other beautiful things to see


A special thanks to @AlejandraMaria , @OSAMA , @ValeriaA , for the hard work in making this possible

Thanks @TraciC for Featuring the main event in Connect

Thanks to everyone, please read this post carefully, to discover a city that is an Italian hidden pearl


@ErmesT wrote:

Hi Local Guides,

So finally the moment of Recap is arrived

World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up in Vicenza have been a very beautiful day, even with a low temperature.

Here is the original post of the Meetup: Let-s-Meet-Up/World-Wide-Photowalk-Vicenza/

This meetup is part of the World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World

As the meetup was at 2 PM, @AntonellaGr and myself, we moved by car from home at 1 PM

Everything was already prepared:

  • Stickers, of course, for all the Local Guides taking part of the event

We arrived in Vicenza at 2:05, and we found all the others already waiting for us

Due to the low temperature, we decidet to move quickly inside the city, guided in an excellent way by Paolo ( @plavarda ) with the support of Nicoletta and Davide ( @davidhyno ).

Vicenza, the “city of Palladio” has been listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994

Andrea Palladio was probably the most famous architect of the XVI century. A lot of architect used Palladio’s style. “Palladian villas” in Italy is a therm that don’t need to be explained

During the Meetups we discovered what City of Palladio means

Walking on the main street of Vicenza, you are surprised by the huge amoun of Stone-faces of demons that are watching you. The faces are carved in every keystone of all the palaces. They are there to protect the houses.

Also a lot of sculptures are in there, in the walls of the beautiful Palladian Buildings.

We moved quickly, crossing the city, to reach our first target: the Olympic Theater

The Teatro Olimpico is the first indoor theater in masonry in the world, with interiors made of wood, stucco and plaster.

The trompe-l’œil onstage scenery, has been designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, to give the appearance of long streets receding to a distant horizon,

After the Olympic theater, we moved to Palazzo Chiericati, onother masterpiece of Andrea Palladio

Palazzo Chiericati is now a museum, we visited it with the same ticket (you can buy a ticket for visiting most of the palladian Palaces, at the price of 15 Euro) used for the Olympic Theater

We started the visit from the Romans Underground of the palace, moving than to the exhibition on first and second floor

After the museum we decided to take a short time for drinking hot chocolate, and introducing each other and for explaining to the newcomers what the Local Guides are

Then, almost at sunset, we visited the main square, with the Basilica Palladiana

Paolo was at his best, in telling us stories and anecdotes about the place

Here is the album with the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jkym2YCi7r7tv9xq1

Enjoy the video of the Meetup, and drop down a comment if you like it. I will probably go in vicenza again soon, there are so many other beautiful things to see


A special thanks to @AlejandraMaria , @OSAMA , @ValeriaA , for the hard work in making this possible

Thanks @TraciC for Featuring the main event in Connect

Thanks to everyone, please read this post carefully, to discover a city that is an Italian hidden pearl



Thanks @IndiaC

I’m happy of your feedback. I have been so fortunate to have this wonderful place so close to home, and a so wonderful local guide, like @plavarda is, living in there :slight_smile:

I simply had to setup the meetup, and shot some photos. The beauty is in the place, we only needed to open our eyes



Ciao @ErmesT ,

What a beautiful, incredible meet-up at Vicenza.

Italy is a Country with a big history full of art everywhere.

Great pics for the sculptures in the walls of the beautiful Palladian Buildings.

A marvelous Teatro Olimpico, full of sculptures too.

Beautiful paintings at Palazzo Chiericati.

A hot chocolate (it was cold!) and then BasĂ­lica Palladiana.

@plavarda was a great guide!

@AntonellaGr supporting you, as always :))) A big hug to her.

I love the video; the style you have used and the music choosed is fantastic.

You have done extraordinary!

And yes, we are ready for the next :wink:

Felicidades, un fantástico recorrido fotográfico.

Un muy fuerte abrazo desde el Sur de España.



you also share your sticker and badge with LG member . same me too gift few local guides as like contest winner @ErmesT


Thanks @AlejandraMaria

This meetup was possible only because of the huge preparation activity that you invested in it.

Kudos to you, and to all the meetup team.

@MahabubMunna , I love to use the stickers that I received at LGsummit17 as gifts for the Local Guides that are active parts of the events. Stickers are not mine, are a gift to share



Hi @ErmesT

I can say ,it’s a romantic place with lovely architecture and atmosphere,

And you show case the beauty of Vicenza with way.

Thanks for sharing beautiful photos with us

Have a nice day


What a lovely post, @ErmesT and such stunning photos. You definitely shared the beauty with the rest of us…and made us jealous!


Oh @TraciC

Thanks a lot, I’m happy that you like it. You don’t need to be jealous, (well, I’m jealous too, of the beautiful place where you were last week).

This is what I suppose we Local Guides should do: “share the beauty”.

Beauty is everywhere, we only need eyes to watch it (and a camera to share it).

Maybe a day I will have the opportunity to be your local Local Guide



I know you will, @ErmesT and thank you. The offer is open to you if you come to NYC, too! :slight_smile:


Kudos to you, dearest @ErmesT and Italy Local Guides, hope all’s well. Great to see you all getting together. Thank you for sharing your beautiful city of Vicenza. Worldwide photo walk - Vicenza album is like a history lesson, your culture has influence all over the world. We see echos of your city’s classical art and architecture style all the time, it’s special to see the originals. Thanks again and kindest regards from Osaka78 :slight_smile:


Ciao Giude Locali, ciao @ErmesT @AntonellaGr @user_not_found @davidhyno

se questa notte avete visto gli Oscar da Hollywood, il Teatro Olimpico,Il gioiello vicentino del Palladio, è stato scelto come scenografia della performance del cantante Sufjan Stevens per “Mystery Of Love”; una delle canzoni della colonna sonora del film di Luca Guadagnino "Chiamami col tuo nome"https://youtu.be/AGSiA4rGsMA


@LucioV spariti tutti i gatti ah ah ah!!! Chissà perchè!!!

Per gli amici non italiani spieghiamo che il soprannome degli abitanti di Vicenza nel Veneto è Magnagati (cioè mangiatori di gatti), ma non è vero ovviamente!! Una ipotesi storica del termine Magnagati deriva da questo :
„Un’ ipotesi dell’'800 vuole che il detto abbia invece un’origine fonetica: la frase “hai mangiato” nell’antico dialetto vicentino si traduceva con “gatu magnà” e i veneziani usavano dare soprannomi con la desineza “magna”: magnamaroni, magnamocoli, magnacarta fino a magnamerda. Ai berici sarebbe toccato “magnagati” non tanto per le preferenze in cucina bensì per la diffusa presenza nelle case e nelle strade dei piccoli felini, molto amati. “

Infatti a Vicenza i gatti sono molto amati come animali da compagnia per il salotto e non in cucina!!!

Spero che anche gli amici non italiani possano capire questa cosa che può risultare molto complicata, soprattutto nel capire che il Veneto è una lingua, la lingua parlata a Venezia antica, che è stata in competizione con il fiorentino, la lingua di Firenze, per diventare la lingua ufficiale italiana (ha vinto il fiorentino)!!!

Voglio ricordare anche che il la lingua Veneta è oggi parlata ancora nella sua tradizione antica del 1800 in Brasile da popolazioni discendenti dagli emigrati di fine '800. Questa lingua è diventata con il nome di Talian co-lingua ufficiale del Brasile.

Ciao a tutte le guide locali!!!



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