[RECAP] World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - SURABAYA - SOTO CAK HAR

[English VERSION click here]

Food Crawl Meet-Up yang saya selenggarakan di Surabaya kali ini dalam rangka memeriahkan World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up yang diikuti oleh berbagai komunitas Local Guides dari 16 negara yang menyelenggarakan 33 meet-up secara bersamaan dalam rantang waktu tanggal 16 dan 17 Desember 2017 atau tanggal sekitar itu.

Awalnya meet-up ini rencananya akan diadakan secara maraton mulai sarapan, makan siang hingga makan malam. Namun setelah berdiskusi dengan beberapa peserta, dan mempertimbangkan faktor cuaca yang akhir-akhir ini sering hujan di Surabaya, maka akhirnya diputuskan untuk digelar 1 meet-up saja mengambil waktu brunch di SOTO LAMONGAN CAK HAR di Jl. Ir. H. Soekarno (MERR).

Mengapa SOTO LAMONGAN? Meskipun namanya Soto Lamongan, namun Soto Lamongan Cak Har ini sudah menjadi icon kuliner di Kota Surabaya. Lokasinya juga sangat strategis di jalan utama sehingga mudah dijangkau dari manapun, juga memiliki kapasitas yang besar mampu menampung ratusan pengunjung secara bersamaan. Juga memiliki tempat parkir mobil dan motor yang sangat luas. Yang tak kalah penting, SOTO di sini memang enak, memiliki citarasa unik yang tidak ditemui di soto yang lain dan buka sepanjang hari mulai pukul 05.30 pagi hari hingga 02.00 dini hari. Hampir 24 jam!

Jalannya Meet-up

Awalnya ada 30-an orang yang konfirmasi akan hadir. Kami janjian akan bertemu langsung di lokasi pada pukul 09.00 hingga pukul 11.00. Akhirnya yang benar-benar hadir ke lokasi meet-up hingga selesai totalnya 14 orang + 2 anak-anak.

Pukul 09.00 saya sudah tiba di lokasi, bertemu di parkiran dengan @Deshi , @Henry_A , @daduadi , dan di dalam ternyata sudah ada @user_not_found . Kami saling berkenalan, karena beberapa diantaranya baru pertama kali ini bertemu. Tidak lama kemudian @SulungKhalifah datang. Disusul @CakTatax , @amughits , @NicoDe , @nyahkece , @AldieAfandi , Via Paramitha dan terakhir ada Hamid beserta istri dan 2 anaknya.

Terimakasih sebesar-besarnya saya sampaikan kepada semua peserta yang hadir dalam meet-up ini.

Sambil menunggu makanan datang, Ino Permana membagikan ilmunya seputar bisnis kuliner. Kebetulan dia adalah coach bisnis kuliner kenamaan di Surabaya.

Selanjutnya saya memberikan sambutan pembuka, menjelaskan tentang food crawl hari itu yang juga diselenggarakan oleh sesama Local Guides di negara lain dalam rangkaian World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up, dan mengucapkan terimakasih atas kehadiran teman-teman pagi itu.

Sambil menikmati SOTO Cak Har yang lezat, kami berdiskusi ringan tentang berbagai hal seputar Google Maps dan Local Guides. Teman-teman juga bertanya tentang pengalaman saya menghadiri Local Guides Summit 2017 di California beberapa waktu lalu.

Tanpa terasa waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 dan kami melakukan foto bersama di depan restaurant lalu pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Sebelum pulang, kami jainjian untuk hadir ke food crawl meet-up malam harinya Warung Mbah Cokro yang dihost oleh Hamid dan food crawl meet-up besok Minggu paginya di Lontong Kikil Bu Sugeng yang dihost oleh Mughits dan jika cuaca mendukung akan dilanjut dengan food crawl di Ayam Bakar Taliwang yang akan dihost oleh Cak Tatax.

Ketika teman-teman sudah pulang semua, saya bersama Cak Tatax dan Syahif Sulung mampir sebentar ke Cafe Tekape yang lokasinya menjadi satu dengan Soto Cak Har. Kami menikmati kopi di sana sambil ngobrol hingga pukul 13.30.

Album Foto selengkapnya klik di sini - https://photos.app.goo.gl/S5W6YAou6yh1szN53


Food Crawl Meet-Up which I held in Surabaya this time in order to enliven the World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up followed by various Local Guides communities from 16 countries that held 33 meet-ups simultaneously between 16 and 17 December 2017 or around the date.

Initially the meet-up is planned to be held in a series from breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, after discussing with some participants, and considering the weather factors that recently often rain in Surabaya, it was decided to be held 1 meet-up, just take the brunch time at SOTO LAMONGAN CAK HAR on Jl. Ir. H. Soekarno (MERR).

Why SOTO LAMONGAN? Despite its name Soto Lamongan, but Soto Lamongan Cak Har has become a culinary icon in Surabaya. Its location is also very strategic on the main road so it is easy to reach from anywhere, also has a large capacity of seats able to accommodate hundreds of visitors in the same time. It also has a large car and motor car park. About the taste, Soto Cak Har is delicious, has a unique flavor that is not found in other soto and the restaurant open all day long, starting at 05.30 am until 2:00 am. Almost 24 hours!

How is the Meet-Up going?

Initially there are 30 Local Guides who confirm will attend the meet-up. We will meet directly at the location from 9 am to 11 am. Finally, this meet-up attended by 14 Local Guides + 2 children.

At 09.00 I arrived at the location, met at the parking lot with Deshi, Henry A and Daduadi and there was already Ino Permana inside the restaurant. We got to know each other, because some of us newly met for first time. Then Syahif Sulung came. Followed by Cak Tatax, Mughits, Nicodemus Yusenda, Sylvia Natalia, Muhammad Aldi, @mitha and lastly @hamidov along with his wife and 2 children.

My greatest thanks to all the participants who attended this meet-up.

While waiting for the food to come, Ino Permana share his knowledge about the culinary business. Incidentally he is a famous culinary business coach in Surabaya.

ThenI gave the opening remark, explaining about the food crawl that day which was also organized by fellow Local Guides in other countries in the series of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up, and thanked to fellow Local Guides for attending food crawl meet-up that morning.

While enjoying deliciouseness of Soto Cak Har, we discussed about various things around Google Maps and Local Guides. Attendees also asked about my experience of attending Local Guides Summit 2017 in California some time ago.

Time already showed 12:00 and we do a photo together in front of the restaurant and then go home. Before go home, we make an appoinment to attend 2nd food crawl meet-up at Warung Mbah Cokro which will hosted by Hamid and 3rd food crawl meet-up tomorrow Sunday morning at Lontong Kikil Bu Sugeng which will hosted by Mughits and if weather is OK, we will continue the 4th food crawl meet-up at Ayam Bakar Taliwang which will hosted by Cak Tatax.

After almost of Local Guides go home, I along with Cak Tatax and Syahif Sulung stop by to Cafe Tekape which located in one area with Soto Cak Har. We had a coffee there and chit chat until 13.30.

Complete Photo Albums click here https://photos.app.goo.gl/S5W6YAou6yh1szN53


Mantab baru pertama Kali ikut worldwide food crawl Dan hasilnya ? Kenyang dech


Terima kasih sudah bisa ikutan World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up dengan inisiasi om @BudionoS
bisa ketemu dengan @NicoDe @daduadi @Deshi @user_not_found @SulungKhalifah @nyahkece @CakTatax @amughits dan juga lainnya, semoga bisa dipertemukan lagi oleh event Google Local Guides lainnya, terima kasih dan kenyang meski “The Crocotable Things”-nya habis…


Im in here @PaDeSSo @AgoesSantosa so Im not attending the “Maranggi” Because it too far away from my home,
What About you @OSAMA @LucioV @Osaka78forTRUMP ?

@BudionoS wrote:

Food Crawl Meet-Up which I held in Surabaya this time in order to enliven the World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up followed by various Local Guides communities from 16 countries that held 33 meet-ups simultaneously between 16 and 17 December 2017 or around the date.

Initially the meet-up is planned to be held in a series from breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, after discussing with some participants, and considering the weather factors that recently often rain in Surabaya, it was decided to be held 1 meet-up, just take the brunch time at SOTO LAMONGAN CAK HAR on Jl. Ir. H. Soekarno (MERR).

Why SOTO LAMONGAN? Despite its name Soto Lamongan, but Soto Lamongan Cak Har has become a culinary icon in Surabaya. Its location is also very strategic on the main road so it is easy to reach from anywhere, also has a large capacity of seats able to accommodate hundreds of visitors in the same time. It also has a large car and motor car park. About the taste, Soto Cak Har is delicious, has a unique flavor that is not found in other soto and the restaurant open all day long, starting at 05.30 am until 2:00 am. Almost 24 hours!

The Course of The Meet-up

Initially there are 30 Local Guides who confirm will attend the meet-up. We will meet directly at the location from 9 am to 11 am. Finally, this meet-up attended by 14 Local Guides + 2 children.

At 09.00 I arrived at the location, met at the parking lot with Deshi, Henry A and Daduadi and there was already Ino Permana inside the restaurant. We got to know each other, because some of us newly met for first time. Then Syahif Sulung came. Followed by Cak Tatax, Mughits, Nicodemus Yusenda, Sylvia Natalia, Muhammad Aldi, @mitha and lastly @hamidov along with his wife and 2 children.

My greatest thanks to all the participants who attended this meet-up.

While waiting for the food to come, Ino Permana share his knowledge about the culinary business. Incidentally he is a famous culinary business coach in Surabaya.

ThenI gave the opening remark, explaining about the food crawl that day which was also organized by fellow Local Guides in other countries in the series of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up, and thanked to fellow Local Guides for attending food crawl meet-up that morning.

While enjoying deliciouseness of Soto Cak Har, we discussed about various things around Google Maps and Local Guides. Attendees also asked about my experience of attending Local Guides Summit 2017 in California some time ago.

Time already showed 12:00 and we do a photo together in front of the restaurant and then go home. Before go home, we make an appoinment to attend 2nd food crawl meet-up at Warung Mbah Cokro which will hosted by Hamid and 3rd food crawl meet-up tomorrow Sunday morning at Lontong Kikil Bu Sugeng which will hosted by Mughits and if weather is OK, we will continue the 4th food crawl meet-up at Ayam Bakar Taliwang which will hosted by Cak Tatax.

After almost of Local Guides go home, I along with Cak Tatax and Syahif Sulung stop by to Cafe Tekape which located in one area with Soto Cak Har. We had a coffee there and chit chat until 13.30.

Complete Photo Albums click here https://photos.app.goo.gl/S5W6YAou6yh1szN53

Video will be added soon


@Henry_A wrote:

Im in here @PaDeSSo @AgoesSantosa so Im not attending the “Maranggi” Because it too far away from my home,
What About you @OSAMA @LucioV @Osaka78forTRUMP ?

@BudionoS wrote:

Food Crawl Meet-Up which I held in Surabaya this time in order to enliven the World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up followed by various Local Guides communities from 16 countries that held 33 meet-ups simultaneously between 16 and 17 December 2017 or around the date.

Initially the meet-up is planned to be held in a series from breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, after discussing with some participants, and considering the weather factors that recently often rain in Surabaya, it was decided to be held 1 meet-up, just take the brunch time at SOTO LAMONGAN CAK HAR on Jl. Ir. H. Soekarno (MERR).

Why SOTO LAMONGAN? Despite its name Soto Lamongan, but Soto Lamongan Cak Har has become a culinary icon in Surabaya. Its location is also very strategic on the main road so it is easy to reach from anywhere, also has a large capacity of seats able to accommodate hundreds of visitors in the same time. It also has a large car and motor car park. About the taste, Soto Cak Har is delicious, has a unique flavor that is not found in other soto and the restaurant open all day long, starting at 05.30 am until 2:00 am. Almost 24 hours!

The Course of The Meet-up

Initially there are 30 Local Guides who confirm will attend the meet-up. We will meet directly at the location from 9 am to 11 am. Finally, this meet-up attended by 14 Local Guides + 2 children.

At 09.00 I arrived at the location, met at the parking lot with Deshi, Henry A and Daduadi and there was already Ino Permana inside the restaurant. We got to know each other, because some of us newly met for first time. Then Syahif Sulung came. Followed by Cak Tatax, Mughits, Nicodemus Yusenda, Sylvia Natalia, Muhammad Aldi, @mitha and lastly @hamidov along with his wife and 2 children.

My greatest thanks to all the participants who attended this meet-up.

While waiting for the food to come, Ino Permana share his knowledge about the culinary business. Incidentally he is a famous culinary business coach in Surabaya.

ThenI gave the opening remark, explaining about the food crawl that day which was also organized by fellow Local Guides in other countries in the series of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up, and thanked to fellow Local Guides for attending food crawl meet-up that morning.

While enjoying deliciouseness of Soto Cak Har, we discussed about various things around Google Maps and Local Guides. Attendees also asked about my experience of attending Local Guides Summit 2017 in California some time ago.

Time already showed 12:00 and we do a photo together in front of the restaurant and then go home. Before go home, we make an appoinment to attend 2nd food crawl meet-up at Warung Mbah Cokro which will hosted by Hamid and 3rd food crawl meet-up tomorrow Sunday morning at Lontong Kikil Bu Sugeng which will hosted by Mughits and if weather is OK, we will continue the 4th food crawl meet-up at Ayam Bakar Taliwang which will hosted by Cak Tatax.

After almost of Local Guides go home, I along with Cak Tatax and Syahif Sulung stop by to Cafe Tekape which located in one area with Soto Cak Har. We had a coffee there and chit chat until 13.30.

Complete Photo Albums click here https://photos.app.goo.gl/S5W6YAou6yh1szN53

Video will be added soon


Congratulation for the meet up, it is nice meet up and successed for World Wide Foodcrawl meet Up.

Warm regard for all the attender, and said hello from me.



Selamat ya mas atas terselenggaranya meet up, seru banget juga nih acaranya. Secara pribadi saya juga penggemar soto lamongan hahahaha.

Hampir tiap kota ada soto Lamongan disini bahkan di tempat kami meet up kemaren, Purwakarta ada soto Lamongan.

Sekali lagi selamat dan sukses untuk meet upnya.


Sounds like a great… It’s looking very fantastic food crawl bro @BudionoS


Looks like a nice meetup! Lovely stickers! Are auto-produced?


Dear @Henry_A , hope all’s well. Yes, here’s photos for you :slight_smile: Kind regards from Osaka78 Dollar Pizza NYC and Local Guides loves Manjimup

@Henry_A wrote:

Im in here @PaDeSSo @AgoesSantosa so Im not attending the “Maranggi” Because it too far away from my home,
What About you @OSAMA @LucioV @Osaka78forTRUMP ?


Wahahaha… we can back again bro to get and enjoy our private ‘krokotable’ thing hahahaa… thanks for coming and hope we meet again in next another meetup.



@Henry_A wrote:

Terima kasih sudah bisa ikutan World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up dengan inisiasi om @BudionoS
bisa ketemu dengan @NicoDe @daduadi @Deshi @user_not_found @SulungKhalifah @nyahkece @CakTatax @amughits dan juga lainnya, semoga bisa dipertemukan lagi oleh event Google Local Guides lainnya, terima kasih dan kenyang meski “The Crocotable Things”-nya habis…


Terimakasih bro @AgoesSantosa iya meet-up ini berjalan seru meski yang hadir tak sebanyak di Bandung ya. Menurut yang sudah-sudah, memang rate kehadiran di angka 50% dari yang reservasi. Makanya saya terimakasih banget sama teman2 yang betulan hadir. Bahkan @daduadi menyempatkan hadir walau cuman sebentar dan gak sempat menikmati sotonya karena harus ada acara lain yang jaraknya cukup jauh.

Semoga tahun depan kita bisa sama-sama membuat meet-up lagi ya bro @AgoesSantosa di World Wide Food Crawl Meet-up 2018 yang lebih banyak pesertanya, lebih banyak meet-upnya dan dipersiapkan dengan lebih baik lagi.

Salam sukses


@AgoesSantosa wrote:


Selamat ya mas atas terselenggaranya meet up, seru banget juga nih acaranya. Secara pribadi saya juga penggemar soto lamongan hahahaha.

Hampir tiap kota ada soto Lamongan disini bahkan di tempat kami meet up kemaren, Purwakarta ada soto Lamongan.

Sekali lagi selamat dan sukses untuk meet upnya.


Thanks bro @NareshDarji hope we make it again at World Wide Food Crawl Meet-up 2018 okay…?



@NareshDarji wrote:

Sounds like a great… It’s looking very fantastic food crawl bro @BudionoS


Thank you bro @LucioV hope we make it again at world wide food crawl meet-up 2018 with more participants, more country, and better preparation.

Anyway, these stickers are from @BellaWi . Thanks a lot to Bella for her kindness and support :wink:

@LucioV wrote:

Looks like a nice meetup! Lovely stickers! Are auto-produced?


Hai bro @Osaka78forTRUMP have you written a recap for the 2 meetups? If so, mention me there



@Osaka78forTRUMP wrote:

Dear @Henry_A , hope all’s well. Yes, here’s photos for you :slight_smile: Kind regards from Osaka78 Dollar Pizza NYC and Local Guides loves Manjimup


Recap ismap, @BudionoS :slight_smile: Kind regards from Osaka78

@BudionoS wrote:

Hai bro @Osaka78forTRUMP have you written a recap for the 2 meetups? If so, mention me there



@Osaka78forTRUMP wrote:

Dear @Henry_A , hope all’s well. Yes, here’s photos for you :slight_smile: Kind regards from Osaka78 Dollar Pizza NYC and Local Guides loves Manjimup


@BudionoS wrote:

Thank you bro @LucioV hope we make it again at world wide food crawl meet-up 2018 with more participants, more country, and better preparation.

Anyway, these stickers are from @BellaWi . Thanks a lot to Bella for her kindness and support :wink:

@LucioV wrote:

Looks like a nice meetup! Lovely stickers! Are auto-produced?

Oh you are so lucky! I hope we will have a LG Googler in Italy in the future! We need more support for our meetups!! :slight_smile:


@BudionoS wrote:

Terimakasih bro @AgoesSantosa iya meet-up ini berjalan seru meski yang hadir tak sebanyak di Bandung ya. Menurut yang sudah-sudah, memang rate kehadiran di angka 50% dari yang reservasi. Makanya saya terimakasih banget sama teman2 yang betulan hadir. Bahkan @daduadi menyempatkan hadir walau cuman sebentar dan gak sempat menikmati sotonya karena harus ada acara lain yang jaraknya cukup jauh.

Semoga tahun depan kita bisa sama-sama membuat meet-up lagi ya bro @AgoesSantosa di World Wide Food Crawl Meet-up 2018 yang lebih banyak pesertanya, lebih banyak meet-upnya dan dipersiapkan dengan lebih baik lagi.

Salam sukses


@AgoesSantosa wrote:


Selamat ya mas atas terselenggaranya meet up, seru banget juga nih acaranya. Secara pribadi saya juga penggemar soto lamongan hahahaha.

Hampir tiap kota ada soto Lamongan disini bahkan di tempat kami meet up kemaren, Purwakarta ada soto Lamongan.

Sekali lagi selamat dan sukses untuk meet upnya.

@BudionoS Betul sekali, kita bisa melakukannya lagi tahun depan. Boleh dicatat oleh mas @BudionoS Bila anda mempersiapkan jauh jauh hari sebelumnya dengan banyak berkoordinasi antar Local Guides di Nusantara ibsyaa Allah tahun depan akan lebih banyak lagi peserta WWFC. Bayangkan bumi Nusantara yang dari sabang hingga merauke ada Ratusan kota. Bila mengadakan semua secara serempak bisa dibayangkan dunia bisa bergoyang karena hentakan gigi gigi yang mengunyah makanan saking banyaknya peserta dan acara meet up yang berlangsung.

  1. Koordinasi dengan rekan LG Indonesia untuk menggali masukan.

  2. Komunikasiterus dijaga

  3. Kunjungi bila sempat untuk lebih akrab

  4. Kumpulkan semua informasi supaya bisa serempak.

  5. Kuatkan tekad bahwa ini bisa terwujud.

(Mirip 5K)

Bersatu kita Teguh Bercerai kita Runtuh


Bro @LucioV we all need support from Googlers. This is our first world wide food crawl meet-up, and I hope we make it again together next year in a better preparation, better coordination and make a teamwork to make it better! and of course we neet support from Googlers

@LucioV wrote:

Oh you are so lucky! I hope we will have a LG Googler in Italy in the future! We need more support for our meetups!! :slight_smile:


Terimakasih bro @AgoesSantosa atas masukannya yang sangat baik dan positif. Word Wide Food Crawl Meet-up pertama ini memang banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya dapatkan. Semoga tahun depan bisa terlaksana dengan lebih baik lagi dengan persiapan yang lebih matang dan kerja tim yang solid. Terimakasih atas dukungan dan masukannya kawan…

@AgoesSantosa wrote:

@BudionoS Betul sekali, kita bisa melakukannya lagi tahun depan. Boleh dicatat oleh mas @BudionoS Bila anda mempersiapkan jauh jauh hari sebelumnya dengan banyak berkoordinasi antar Local Guides di Nusantara ibsyaa Allah tahun depan akan lebih banyak lagi peserta WWFC. Bayangkan bumi Nusantara yang dari sabang hingga merauke ada Ratusan kota. Bila mengadakan semua secara serempak bisa dibayangkan dunia bisa bergoyang karena hentakan gigi gigi yang mengunyah makanan saking banyaknya peserta dan acara meet up yang berlangsung.

  1. Koordinasi dengan rekan LG Indonesia untuk menggali masukan.

  2. Komunikasiterus dijaga

  3. Kunjungi bila sempat untuk lebih akrab

  4. Kumpulkan semua informasi supaya bisa serempak.

  5. Kuatkan tekad bahwa ini bisa terwujud.

(Mirip 5K)

Bersatu kita Teguh Bercerai kita Runtuh