Dear LG friends, I am overwhelmed with your love and presence during the meet, what a day it was. This was my first meet up and that too was virtual one. After having to cancel my first physical meet up way back in 2017 on account of low response, I was looking forward for the opportunity to host a meet up and make it successful.
Fortunately this time I got that opportunity courtesy @AmbrishVarshney and @Shrut19 and decided to host virtual knowledge sharing meet up along with team Maharashtra LGs to explain fellow local guides about Magnificent Maharashtra and to take them on virtual tour of our state.
Maharashtra is a state in India, which is on western side of country, a land whose sheer size and diversity will stun you. It has mountains/western ghat or Sahyadri which hosts forts that touches clouds and are standing proud and strong for hundreds of years Has scores of temples, Buddhist caves sculpted into and out of basalt rock and are UNESCO world heritage sites and as old as 2 millennia. A salt water lake which is among the world’s five largest craters and the third-largest salt water lake in the world which is 50000 year old. It has a diverse and colorful cultures, miles of silver white beaches and a festivals which brings thousands together and not to forget its mouth-watering cuisines.
We started our presentation by opening words from Shruti and introduction of herself presentation team
I had given a brief introduction about Maharashtra, its geography, culture, heritage and history, we further explained the tourist attractions, culture, food and festivals and during the meet,
I have informed attendees regarding major forts in Maharashtra
Picture courtesy-Google image search/web
** @SUMEET1 had taken audience on virtual strolls on a beaches in Maharashtra**
Picture courtesy-Google image search/web
** @Rohan10 had informed gatherings about world famous and UNESCO heritage caves, sanctuary and places of worship**
Rohan had also emphasized on need for conservation and responsible tourism to protect these monuments. He had informed attendees regarding declaration of 14th April,date of birth of a great leader and social reformer from Maharashtra Late Dr B.R. Ambedkar as a Equality day by Canadian government which was indeed a great news and proud moment for us in the meeting.
Picture courtesy-Google image search/web
** @FalguniP , a food enthusiast and a master chef herself explained about wonderful food of Maharashtra**
Picture courtesy-Google image search/web
** @Shreeya_99 has taken though the culture, dance and festival of Maharashtra**
Picture courtesy-Google image search/web
We ended the session with a video of Girgaum Gudhi Padva and Ganesh Visarjan which was liked by all, links are as below
Video courtesy- Sagar Keluskar photography-You tube)
Video courtesy- Clicko Vlogs—Youtube)
And finally introduction from the attendees and answered their questions.
I hope the attendees had enjoyed the session and we team Maharashtra would soon plan further virtual meet ups exploring each feature of Maharashtra in detail.
I would like to thank my senior @TravellerG for all the support and mentoring and all the local guides who attended the meet up, I am mentioning few names here and in subsequent post/comments