Thanks @ShafiulB for your kind words. I guess you are right. This Plant Lovers Social was the first-ever eco-friendly virtual meetup. Or least the first “green” one.
Do you like to garden? Grow veggies or flowers?
Thanks @ShafiulB for your kind words. I guess you are right. This Plant Lovers Social was the first-ever eco-friendly virtual meetup. Or least the first “green” one.
Do you like to garden? Grow veggies or flowers?
Thanks for your kind words @Giuseppe75 .
It was a fun coincidence that both you and @GaganMishra have a Pothos plant in your homes and that you both knew that the plant is great as a “natural air cleaner” or “natural air purifier.” I learned something new because of your two. I did more research afterward to learn what other houseplants can do the trick. I found that these 12 are also low-maintenance according to what Gagan also looks for in an indoor plant.
** @OliverKIWI --**I think I am falling in love with you. You really love plants! Thanks for sharing more of your garden, indoors and outdoors!
I’m very impressed by your generous person, you truly belong to the highest dimension, agriculture is best culture, big Hello to local guides living in Nature love and light.
For the love of the plant:) Here are more pix. These are actually my daughter’s babies. She loves succulents and I drove her all over the town to find those nurseries.
@KarenVChin my only concern is timing - normally what time that ts for the plant v-meet-up?
@OliverKIWI – I have my now my weekly Saturday virtual meetups at 7 am PDT (San Francisco Time) which is 2 am the next day in New Zealand. The idea behind 7 am for me is that it covers a good chunk of the world (Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, and North America), except Australia is midnight the next day and it looks like NZ is 2 am next day for you.
@KarenVChin Thank you! Totally understand:) I can stay up till midnight… 2 am is a bit challenging LOL! Thinking of you guys:)
@KarenVChin this recap is awesome! ?
I hope join in a next one if happens. I have a lot of plants in my yard. This time I coudn’t join on this one because I had a few things to do at home.
Take care and I hope see you soon in other meetup ?
@SarahKa – thanks for sharing! I love avocado and papaya! I have an avocado tree in a pot I bought last summer that can handle the cold winter temperate here. Tried growing a banana tree years ago - died! Papaya and mango no way!
I will let you know about the next “Show & Tell” Plant Lovers Social when it happens.
Hi @KarenVChin ,
very nice recap, you are a super plant expert I see … ah I think you got your gardening master, isn’t it?
I like plants and flowers as well but to be honest I’m always unlucky, even following very careful instructions I can never get any flower or plant to resist more than a certain period, sometimes even very short. I think I don’t have at all any even small sign of green thumb LOL .
Btw what about your pine cones collection, do you collect them based on types / colors / shapes ? And how many do you have? Very interesting collection, never heard about that before .
** @KarenVChin **
Yes, I like Garden…
& Wish one day I have terrace garden, or farm house…
never the less, this is my small Contribution in earth day, hope you all like it…
Some greenery Front of window & next to door…
Yeah @KarenVChin There is too cold to these trees. But have other delicious fruits like plum, all berries, fig…
Ah! I also have banana tree
I will wait than.
Take care !
@LuigiZ , I collect pine cones like some people collect seashells at the beach. I search for them when I visit Tahoe. The cool thing is I find them either during the summer (no snow) or winter (snow) on the ground as I am walking around the forest.
As for size, I find them in different sizes, from tiny to large, bigger than my hand. I use them to table decoration or house decor.
Wow, that’s indeed very interesting @KarenVChin , well done and thank you for sharing .
Update on my current summer vegetable garden and spring flower porn from my garden:
Cut it , seperate it in new flower pot, it will grow.
Watering it it will grow green and colorful,
Lazy to watering, it still grow.
Put in an area with sunshine,and have a shadow at noon, it will grow.
Leave it in broadday light, it will grow.
Got a raindrop all over days, it will grow.
This plantation can grow in the environment with low water and low sunlight.
Easy adopt to the environment, easily to grow just cut the leave and stab it into soil, it will grow.
The new leaf grow, seperate it from the pack, with or without root, seperate it, it will grow
I spot this kind of plantation is whend I do morning walking during this Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction), phase III. until 26 May 2020, almost in every house whith many flowers and plants I can spot at least one Lidah Mertua in beetween them.
Leave are consider hard, stiff and sharp tip.
Have two kind of shapes :
Have different name :
Some says that this Lidah Mertua is good for herbal medicine.
Reduce smell or inconvenience odor.
Some said it is good to decrease some gaseous hazardous material or Pollutants remover such as : benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.
Hello @BudiFXW ,
Thanks for showing us your garden. It is nice to decorate your home with flowers. This way it looks cosy and inviting.
Please be advised that I will merge your post with [RECAP] VIRTUAL: “Show & Tell” Plant Lovers Social where you can enjoy other Local Guides’ home gardens.
My blueberry bushes are ready to be picked.
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants.