[RECAP]VIRTUAL: Local Guides Clean the World Talk

Last Saturday, June 20th, was a memorable day for me. I hosted my 10th Local Guides virtual meet-up. The topic was on Local Guides Clean the World, which was created by my friend Italy Local Guide and Connect Moderator @ermest in 2018.

This meet-up (or interview) has been a LONG time in the making.

Ermes is a very modest, humble man. To get him to publicly talk about what and why he created his very popular “Powered by Us, Local Guides” initiative in 2018 did take LOTS of patience, persuading, and coaching on my part.

Thank goodness for Google allowing us, Local Guides, to start hosting and having virtual meet-ups in March to push Ermes over the edge finally.

As with my Local Guides Clean the World meet-ups during Connect Live 2018 & Connect Live 2019, this first-ever Local Guides Clean the World virtual meet-up had the same goal. It was to help educate a global audience of 30+ Local Guides on what it is and the importance of joining this environmental sustainability project.

Ermes presented a fantastic 30-minute Local Guides Clean the World presentation (click link) which covered:

  • What is Local Guides Clean the World?
  • How can I join and get involved?
  • What are Local Guides Clean the World meet-ups? How can I host one?

Local Guides Clean the World Talk Highlights

How to Join and Get Involved?

Contact Ermes directly on Local Guides Connect by responding on his Local Guides Clean the World post and use him as your resource. He is happy to collaborate with you on how you can create your Local Guides Clean the World awareness in your local community.

Access to the Local Guides Clean the World My Map

Ermes shared that he gave Australia Local Guide @DavidTito the responsibility to be the keeper of the Local Guides Clean the World My Map. This ever-growing My Map that Ermes originally started is a comprehensive educational online resource. It lists the majority of Local Guides Clean the World meet-ups and educational materials (meet-up recaps, Connect posts, news links, YouTube videos, etc.) by country.

To Build Communications and Social Media Awareness

Please use the hashtag: #LocalGuidesCleantheWorld.

How to get a copy of Ermes’ Local Guides Clean the World (English) presentation?

Contact Ermes directly on Connect. He is happy to provide you access. He is interested in having his presentation be translated into different languages. In the last 2+ years, thanks to the generous help of Local Guides Connect community: The Local Guides Clean the World Connect post has been translated to 20+ languages.

Want to be invited to upcoming Local Guides Clean the World virtual meet-ups or be notified of new Local Guides Clean the World content on Connect?

Please add your Connect ID name to the Comment below. We are not able to tag you if we do not know or have your Connect ID name.

What is Progetto Re-Cycle?

Ermes has taken his passion for his Local Guides Clean the World project and has bridged it into his everyday life by volunteering his time to Progetto Re-Cycle, an environmental sustainability non-profit association, in Italy.

Next Steps

Within the upcoming year, Ermes will be having future global Local Guides Clean the World virtual meet-ups covering topics such as:

  • How to host a successful Clean the World meet-up, including sharing best practices from “Local Guides Clean the World Local Heroes.”
  • How to collect and document local community environmental challenges.
  • How to collect and handle medical trash, including coronavirus litter.



My Next Virtual Meetup Will Be Saturday, July 4th

I will be talking to @Kwiksatik, a U.S. Local Guide & Digital Marketer, about Google My Business. Megan was invited as both an attendee and a Google My Business advocate speaker at Connect Live 2019. She will be sharing her crucial insights on how to participate in both Local Guides and Google My Business via Google Meet. This exclusive Local Guides virtual meet-up has a maximum capacity of 100 attendees. RSVP NOW.


Thanks you so much for hosting this very informative Meetup, @KarenVChin . To learn about this wonderful initiative of Local Guides Clean the World initiative from the creator, @ErmesT itself was really helpful and inspiring. I am very much looking forward to host Local Guides Clean the World Meetups in my place and wanted to learn about it first and this Meetup helped me to learn about it and the presentation was helpful.


Thank you @KarenVChin , for the constancy with which you continued to push me, to convince me to tell you the story of Local Guides Clean the World.

I am grateful and happy that you did it, because you allowed me to discover (to become aware) how my child grew up, and is traveling alone through the world. To make the presentation, I myself traveled virtually for days inside the map. It was a way to become aware of a personal journey that, in two and a half years, has come to cover all continents.

II want to thanks all the 30+ local guides who joined the meet-up, and I am very excited about the request of doing the same in Spanish Language.

Feel free to ask about the project (yes, I call it project, because it is a never ending work in progress), or to suggest improvement yourself. We will be happy to answer.

A special thanks to @Stuart_C for asking about Reporting.

Reporting is an Idea (Waste Report #onGoogleMaps) that I hope will be real in the future. Feel free to comment in there. Here below is the short vide I used for my appeal to Google



Hello @ErmesT & @KarenVChin , Many congratulations on another Successful Meet-up. As learners and contributors to the #cleantheworld project, This meet-up was so important for many of us who wants to know more about this project. We are going to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Clean the world project next year in March, and the thing which makes us happy that the central idea of this project is attracting many people around the world Lgs & Non-Lgs as well. Because everyone loves clean environment, Beaches without trash, mountains without colourless plastic bags, oceans without Indurtial wastage, rivers without plastic stuff/trash.

We have to do a lot for this cause, and I hope this meet-up will be the reason to create more awareness regarding clean environment for our lovely planet.

Shukriya :pray:


Los felicito a ambos por el Meet-Up @KarenVChin y @ErmesT :clap: :clap: . “Clean the World”, es ya una marca y un concepto que de a poco nos fueron educando con amabilidad y constancia a lo largo de todos estos años a todos los Local Guides, solamente gracias. :blush:


@SalmaanN – you are welcome! Happy to know you learned about @ErmesT 's Local Guides Clean the World project directly from Ermes himself.

Be sure to contact Ermes directly. He is looking for help to translate his Local Guides Clean the World presentation in native languages. I hope you will volunteer to help him.




@ErmesT , you are most welcome! As you know, I am not able to have frequent in-person Local Guides Clean the World meet-ups in my area because of my time constraints.

So, when the option to host virtual meet-ups was announced in March, hosting a Local Guides Clean the World virtual meet-up made perfect sense to me to help bring Clean the World program awareness. It is the ideal platform for you to talk about your passion project to interested Local Guides here on Connect.

I am also happy that I was able to host for you my annual Local Guides Clean the World meet-up, too, given that there will be no Connect Live 2020 this year.




Thanks @KashifMisidia for attending. Do you want to help translate @ErmesT 's Local Guides Clean the World presentation in Urdu? I am sure having this translated can help you reach more Local Guides in Pakistan.




Muchas gracias @FaridTDF for your kind words. You have been a Local Guides Clean the World supporter from the very beginning. Thank you for being you.




I will make sure to contact him, @KarenVChin . I would like to translate it in Tamil language and would be glad to be of any help. Thanks, Karen.

Hi @KarenVChin ,

thank you for hosting this interesting meetup and very nice recap, very good presentation by @ErmesT for a very noble initiative. I really hope there will be a time when there are no places to clean, using Ermes’s wording :wink: .


Hi @KarenVChin , yes I have already an Urdu translation of Local Guides Clean The World - A Local Guides Project before, and I will surely share again with my friends from Pakistan. And now I will surely translate @ErmesT 's presentation in Urdu with my pleasure and will share it with my friends who can understand Urdu.

Shukriya :pray:


Felicitaciones @KarenVChin & @ErmesT por organizar éste fantástico Meet-Up! Disfruté mucho de haber participado y allí estaré en el próximo.


Silvy :argentina:

Un día en el “Cerro Otto”

My Guide to travel around Buenos Aires

ideas Recibir Mail con Sugerencias para organizadores de Meet-Ups Virtuales / Modifications in the notifications’ feed / LGs volunteer board / Opción rápida para borrar videos propios en Maps


@KarenVChin thank you for organizing a wonderful meetup. #LocalGuidescleantheworld is a new thing for new comers. And like @ErmesT shared the whole project, I feel it is more of a duty than a project for all of us. Keeping surroundings clean is a duty of every citizen.

I would love to be part of this hashtag and wish him best of luck.



I am happy to know you enjoyed @LuigiZ attending @ErmesT and my Local Guides Clean the World Talk.

We all need to be active, diligent, and teach everyone in our lives the basics. The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, especially our families, including our children and parents.

Hope you will host a Local Guides Clean the World meetup in your community when it is safe to do so. I know Ermes will attend your meetup for sure!




Thanks @SilvyC @MSulaiman for attending. I am happy to know you found @ErmesT and my meetup beneficial.

I hope you will host a Local Guides Clean the World meetup in your communities when it is safe to do. Ermes is a great resource to help you create and host one.




Well said @KarenVChin , this is very important to spread the message :blush: .

And yes I will definitely host a CTW meetup here in my area as soon as it will be possible again. Actually to tell it I was planning it with @ErmesT just before the Covid-19 outbreak, involving also the local authorities who also approved the project and designed few areas to clean, but unfortunately everything stopped for the pandemic :confused: .

Of course I’ll catch it up again with them when time is a bit more relaxed, also for them knowing they had much more difficult issues to take care in this period.

Thank you again :hugs: .

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Definitely I will be planning a CTW meetup right after this covid-19 break. @KarenVChin we will be waiting for more meetups from your side regarding awareness of this program.

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I am very excited to see an exceeding amount of local Guides @KarenVChin attending the online meetup and your successful my 10th Local Guides virtual meet-up. this amazing, oh and I see 90 attendees now 91 including myself in your next RSVP NOW. I am most delighted @ErmesT these virtual meet up statistics being a high volume… Could we add another layer into the Local Guides Clean The World - The Map and a title for that layer? I would like to hear lots of opinions about this in this feed


Hahaha, @DavidTito

We missed you, the man of the map, on our meet-up, but we have more meet-ups soon about LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld, so you will have the possibility to join.

Regarding your suggestion, I would like not to use the map as a self celebration, because I bet you will have to add a lot more contents, when the lockdown will end

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