We completed this amazing Marathon Meet-Up event! As part of India Republic Day’s celebrations, the Local Guides community in Kerala hosted a marathon meet-up series of events in different locations in the State of Kerala, in South India. We met up in 11 Cities/Towns, 11 Days, over 700 km, close to 200 total participants, 1 united amazing community, Jan 25 to Feb 4, 2018 . We wanted to celebrate local contributors in local places helping the local communities via Google Maps. These are the local heroes who keep Maps up to date in our locations. Thanks to every single community member who joined us for the event directly or indirectly, and the biggest thanks to each Host for making arrangements for each of the meet-up.
Just want to take this opportunity to thank every single contributor in our local and international community who has helped all of us along this wonderful journey with the Google Local Guides program. Thanks for everyone and everything who’s been a part of our journey the last 11 days. Special thanks to all the hosts who’s made all the meet ups possible, and thanks to all friends and family who’s joined us, even those who remembered us in your thoughts. Thanks for taking all the time to keep the community up and running, and we are sure that we certainly are one of the best community there is. Keep strong, stay together united, for our Keralam, God’s Own Country. See everyone soon! Take care and God bless everyone.
More details on our marathon meet up in this post here Kerala Marathon Meet Up Experience Summary
Tagging hosts: @bijusreekumar , @ArunMuralidhar , @aslamnazar , @cskumaresan, @Hyderali , @NavaneethS , @aachusa , @Rasi , @Sariga , @Midhunhk , @Attokkaran
Special thanks to all of you.