[recap] Team225 Clean The World Koumassi

On Saturday, June 23, 2018 was held the second meetup called Team225 clean the world. This meetup which should be held in the commune of Koumassi was two parts. The first part consisted of raising awareness not only about the dangers of the pollution of our environment by plastic waste and the opportunity they can seize by organizing collections of plastic waste in order to sell it to industrialists who recycle it but also on the strategy to force the plastics manufacturing industries to adopt the biodegradable spirit. Our target for this awareness was the students of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (ISATech). The second component consisted of a collection of plastic waste. Unfortunately due to the latest floods, heavy rains in our country and for health reasons as well as the risk of contamination of participants in this meetup, we have postponed the last part. All local guides could not be present at this meetup because of the bad weather in their place of residence. So we were five in number: @NarcisseTEHIA @so3 @Bayal @JCOVI @Redrayechriste

After a development with the 4 local guides present at this meetup, we brought together the students of this establishment to talk with them about the dangers of pollution of our environment by plastic waste for about 1 hour 20 minutes.

Each local guide spoke on the subject and then gave the floor to the students for an exchange.
Then after taking a family photo, we went to the office of the Director of the Establishment Mr. Touré to thank him for allowing us to raise awareness in his establishment.
Happy and satisfied with our initiative, he gave us an appointment for the next school year to continue this activity which is necessary for everyone.

After a family photo with him (the Director), we went to a restaurant in the square to taste a dish and take stock of our activity.

We were all satisfied with the success of this activity as well as the reaction of the students and their director even though the second part could not be held for reasons. While waiting for the next school year, we will prepare the next Clean The World activities because our country is in great need of it.

We especially thank @JCOVI for the photos taken. He did his best to immortalize these unforgettable moments.

I will soon post videos of our exchanges with students in a few days

It was a difficult day but it ended very well!

Picture of the activity

@DavidTito @ermest

@EbiakoboN @Fr2K @JamalDeenA @Venance


Merci pour cette initiative, car il faut qu’on agisse pour que le monde change…


Nice recap for team225. loading… we are present


Well done bro @NarcisseTEHIA and the members of #team225 present for this meetup @so3 @Bayal @JCOVI @Redrayechriste

Congratulations to all of you.


That’s is amazing work really really @NarcisseTEHIA , @Venance , @JamalDeen , @EbickNgoma


Félicitations @NarcisseTEHIA , pour cette sensibilisation, aux étudiants de ISATech grand merci pour l’engouement démontré pour l’éradication des déchets plastiques. Je n’oublie pas les guides locaux de Côte d’Ivoire grâce à qui sa été possible. Tous sans exception !


@NarcisseTEHIA This is greatly innervated thinking by you I see it reflecting well for Team 225 at the same time The World see’s this as a Good example for rest them, We all very Happy to see your progress here and see you are managing this more then we expected you to, thank you for sharing @NarcisseTEHIA and those mentioned @so3 @Bayal @JCOVI. @ErmesT and @NarcisseTEHIA I have all your details listedHere as #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld Education

@Venance @Safdarrai @JamalDeen take a look


Thank you sir @DavidTito


This is great @NarcisseTEHIA

See an activity in a school is so important. As always, the first step is educate.

It seems you had a very important day. Congratulations.



Thank you @ErmesT . we would have liked to do the practice after the awareness phase, but the situation that prevailed at this time in our country due to the floods did not allow us to do so. We plan to relaunch this activity very soon. thanks again boss!


Just waouuuhhh!!!

Greaatt job Team 225


Hi @NarcisseTEHIA !

Very interesting first part of your meet-up about how to collect plastic waste for selling to industrialists.

A pity you couldn´t done the second part… I hope you will do in the future.

Congratulations for this great initiative :)))))

Good Morning from the South of Spain,



Thank you @AlejandraMaria for your support to the team225. We will do all we can to complete the second part. You will be able to be ours that day!



Congratulations, you are doing great.

Keep it up!



Thank you @Julien44 for your support to the team225.