Wow ! We made it again!! Another meet-up successful organised and well attended!!! The Port Harcourt local guides have been very cordial and Co-operative on this photo walk meet-up. We really connected indeed. We achieved our 36 Photo Walk and even did some 360°s as well.
The venue was The University of Port Harcourt Abuja Campus . Of course I am an Alumni of that institution as well as all the local guides in attendance. The weather wasn’t too bright,but it was okay for the meet-up. We kept in mind the slogan
- Consider
- Compose
- Click
…and we got lots of beautiful photos. Now we had some maps talk as usual. I always love to talk about edits, reasons why I am.a local guide, the need for quality contributions on the maps etc. We talked about some phones that are compatible with the 360° Streetview photo app
@Peachy100 a level 6 local guide was the first to arrive and we talked about contributing to the maps because we are the end users of the maps. We don’t contribute because we want some physical benefits from Google as local guides think. She has been editing the maps and adding photos as well.
Seeing we are on a photo walk we talked about duplicate,near duplicate, group photos,selfies and other forms of photo contributions that are against the rules and regulations of the maps. They don’t benefit the users either. Searching for a hospital or bank and here someone’s selfie ? That’s no good.
It was her first meet-up since she joined the local guides program so it was special. She was very active on the meet-up. She also downloaded the 360° app with the help of others during the meet-up. What more? She learnt to take her first 360° photos. She was quite excited about that. We took a few 360°s each and published them.
At this stage @BriggsPh @FavOcconor joined the meet-up. I (been the host) sounded out a warning to everyone to beware of wrong photo practises on the maps as that could lead to a ban from the program. We got on well taking our shots in different facilties and departments of the university. Needless to say, we got permission to carry out our local guides activities
There was a need to edit and ean the maps in that area of the university we all agreed but the time was far spent and perhaps we will plan to hold another meet-up to that effect. It would seem to me that all of us present at the meet-up enjoyed the nature and the green lawn and flower gardens at the university Campus so it was hard to end the meet-up.
The places we visited in the University are
- Faculty of Humanities, University of Port Harcourt
- University Of Port Harcourt Faculty Of Engineering
- Ebitimi Banigo Auditorium
- [Offshore technology institute ](http://OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE (OTI)
Nevertheless, it was a weekend which is a
busy time for a missionary like me. Therefore we had to end the meet-up. We really connected with each other and with nature as you can see from photos.
@Smith1 had an important event to attend and we missed him on the meet-up,but he might like to see the Recap. Meanwhile thank you for coning , all who participated well in this meet-up.
@PaulPavlinovich might like to the Recap as well. We are only participating in his initiative. Thank you.
Please kindly visit The Photo Album, Port Harcourt 36 Photo Walk.