[RECAP]- Pizzerías Con Historia 🍕

This is the Recap of Pizzerías con Historia aka Pizzerias with history. In my first time hosting a meet up I wanted that everything were fine, well not just fine, perfect, yeah this is me, a little obsessive woman. So that’s why I chose a food crawl. The idea was to visit some of the oldest and traditional places of pizza in center city.
This restaurants were founded in the first half of twentieth century and still are popular and full of costumers all day.
First at all let me set up to all of you in what this Pizzerías and the places where they’re means (better said they meant) in other time. Once upon a time Buenos Aires haven’t shopping malls or big cinema places, the cultural center, the funniest to do at night was to go to the Corrientes Av. (between Callao Av. and Florida St. specifically) a zone considered to be the Buenos Aires version of Broadway. In that time the plan for a Saturday night with the family was maybe a good show in the Corrientes Av. theatre and then go for pizza. Well, times change but no the Argentinian’s love for pizza.

We meet at the Obelisco, from there @Jesi @Cecilita @AdroGran @Jose-Two and I started our adventure. Let me give a big thanks to Ceci and Jesi, they came to the meeting even without feeling so well. The first thing we did was take pics in the BA landmark in front of the Obelisco . A good man took our picture with the poster of “Buenos Aires Local Guides” who Jesi always bring to the meetings. After this we start.

:pizza: First stop: “Las Cuartetas”.

Tell the story a tango composer was making his verses, "Las Cuartetas " everyday in this place, so people started to know this restaurant as “La Casa de las Cuartetas” The Quartets House, for that is the reason of the name of this pizzeria. They do one of the best “pizza al molde”. In case that term means nothing to you, “pizza al molde” is the classic porteño, is made with a thick base. This pizza had extreme cheese and was delicious for everyone, well less for Adrián, he liked but he thought the base should be more cooked. I think he’s better food critic than me. We ate, we took a lot of pics, we ate, we talked about many things and we ate again.

Then we follow our path to the next place walking a few blocks.
:pizza: Second stop: Güerrín .

This pizzeria is set up in the same place since 1932 :scream: can you believe it? We arrived at this place and we had some problems to get in because was full of people. But our need to more pizza won the battle and we put on line to buy some slices. We used a counter to eat the pizza standing as we call “Comer al paso”.

They have one of this counters since the beginning. Some of us chose mozzarella other fugazzeta ( onions with cheese). Everyone of us enjoyed this pizza, it tasted really good. At this time our belly were full but nothing, even our weak body, was going to stop us! We walked a few blocks to make the digestion so we can continue our mission.

:pizza: Third stop: "El Cuartito "

“The Little Room”, was our last one. Let me tell you something, the pizza didn’t taste as good as I remembered, it wasn’t bad, just a little oily, but I like the history of this pizzeria, was founded in 1934, in a very little room, they sold the pizza through the window, with the time, were buying places around to make a biggest restaurant as is it today. This place seems stopped in time. Inside, they walls are covered for images of the whole personalities that came to “El Cuartito” in all this years. Artists, singers, journalists, football & tennis players and principally Tango people. There’s a funny story about Anibal “Pichuco” Troilo, an Argentinian’s composer, musician and bandoneon player. When he went to El Cuartito with friends he usually eat a slice of anchovies pizza with whiskey. But when he was going with his wife, she didn’t let him drink alcohol, only water, so when Troilo was going to the bathroom a waiter give him there a glass of whiskey and he drinks it quickly. Pretty funny, right?
At this moment we said no more pizza for today, we need a dessert to end this journey. Adrian suggested a place of pancakes close to us but when we arrive the place wasn’t there anymore. So Juan proposed to go for Ice Cream around the corner, to the "Cadore " and there we went. We said: “we’re going for a little cup, no more, we are full” well people, some of us changed of idea in the ice cream parlor and bought a big cup. Yes, I was one of them, what can I say? I love ice cream.

We had a great time hanging out, sharing, eating and laughing. We took a lot of photos that I’m going to share with all of you, I hope you enjoy this pics as much as we did in this meet up.
Until next time friends!

Photo Álbum



Silvi :nicaragua:

My contributions




:clap::clap::clap::clap: @SilvyC !

Que buena reunión le metieron! Felicitaciones.

Creo que Guerrin es insuperable, venden la pizza solo en porciones individuales? Puede ser?

Es la única del listado que creo que visité. Las otras las meto en mi lista para ir cuando vaya a Bs. As.

Gracias por compartir!


Muchas gracias @SebaasC venden por porciones y entera también. No dejes de ir a Las Cuartetas cuando estés por acá!


¡ @SilvyC me encantó tu recap y mucho mas la quedada! ¡Nos divertimos mucho y comimos un montón!

La pizza que mas me gustó fue por lejos la de Las Cuartetas… ¡Estaba impresionante! ¡Y ni que hablar del helado!

¡Gracias por organizar esta reunión donde la pasamos genial!



PD: ¡Me encantó el video!


Muchas gracias @Cecilita estoy muy contenta que haya salido bien, totalmente de acuerdo con Las Cuartetas, riquísima!



Además las porciones de pizza que sobraron se la dimos a personas en situación de calle. Lo mejor de la caminata de pizzas fue el helado de vainilla ajajaja. En el fin de semana de las pizzas tenemos que ir a las que faltaron… Y guerrim


Estuvo muy bueno, @SilvyC ! Me alegro de haber ido, entre el tema del meet-up en sí y el entusiasmo que había en el chat no me lo quería perder.

No me molestaría volver a Guerrín y Las Cuartetas otro día, especialmente a mi preferida Las Cuartetas. Me alegra que a @Cecilita también le haya gustado tanto. Por suerte podemos ponernos de acuerdo que no queremos volver a El Cuartito.

Además de la pizza me encantó Cadore, que no conocía, los gustos de mousse de chocolate y dulce de leche negro estaban muy buenos. No me arrepiento de haber sido una de los que pidieron 1/4 kg jajajaj

Creo que hasta @FaridTDF diría que es bueno :wink:


Buena acotación @AdroGran y si, siempre se puede repetir.


Muchas gracias @Jesi realmente fue muy divertido, pasamos un lindo día, y de Las Cuartetas ni hablar, creo que todos ya queremos volver…bueno, vos ya lo hiciste jajaja El sábado habría que llevar a @FaridTDF a probar ése helado!


Pizza makes everyone smile @SilvyC thanks for sharing - happy pizza faces :slight_smile:


Les tomo la palabra @SilvyC y @Jesi , voy a probar ese helado, veremos que tan sabroso es .



Exactly @PaulPavlinovich everyone loves :pizza:!


I had it tonight @SilvyC


I don’t know what is this @PaulPavlinovich but looks delicious. What is it?


I wish I could be part of that meet-up @SilvyC , I think I would have been of great help as I manage to eat a whole pizza by myself. I am quite curious about the fugazzeta, is it pizza with onions and cheese?


Maybe next time @VasT well let me tell you fugazzeta is a pizza stuffed with mozzarella & ham, and onion on top. I don’t like this one, my fav is Spinach & white sauce!


Thank you for your prompt reply. The pizza looks yummy @SilvyC . Recently, I’ve tried a combination that I would never think that I would like: Mozzarella with pistachio and artichokes. It was surprisingly delicious. How about you? Do you like to try alternative combinations in your pizza?


Interesting combination @VasT I like artichokes. Recently I tried this one w/ eggplants, squash and red moraine, is like a diet pizza :grin: was really good!


Wow, now that was impressive @SilvyC , never heard of something similar.

Thank you once more and keep up!


@VasT I forgot to mention the broccoli, look!