In celebration with other Local Guides in the world during Map Your World Week, #PhnomPenhLocalGuides (plus supporting from Cambodia Local Guides) had organised a map editing meet-up “Let’s Improve Phnom Penh City’s Map” on March 19, 2017 from 8:30 am - 11:30 am. During the meet-up, I had two sessions: 1. sharing (Self-intro, intro to Local Guides program, previous events/meet-ups, how to become a LG - who & benefit, LGSummit16 & 17, join the communities - local & official LGs), and 2. Start map editing and Q&A (separate into 3 groups to fix/correct information) plus chit-chat for fun :-).
Check out some photos during the event:
For more photos, please go to the album on Google Photos Here. Thank all for participating and making this event happened!