Hello friends
We have successfully done the Ornaments of Accessibility at Rabindra Sarovor, Dhanmondi, Dhaka with the first 2 subjects of our mentioned 3. Already we have discussed about -
Let’s discuss with the owners/officers to update Accessible Elements for disable people. (About to develop the accessible elements where accessibility isn’t available).
Let’s Collect Signature with Wishes/Comments regards Accessibility in a rectangle Banner with the accessibility message “ডিজেবলরাও হবে বল; যোগাযোগ চাই এক্সেসিবল”.
Discovered info: Rabindra Sarovar is Accessible and we have found some government buildings where there is wheelchair accessibility & they are including also in their related office buildings in our country.
Our participants :
& me as the host.
We have discussed about green mapping and about the current status of accessibility benefits in our country with general peoples and some officers of government buildings and markets (Pictures of discussion aren’t attached with this post for security purpose or other reasons).
Lets see some views of our Rabindra Sarovar’s meet up -
& a video link is shared here to view the Meet Up.
Kamal Hasnainee
#LetsGuide #OrnamentsOfAccessibility #WheelchairAccessibility accessibility #LocalGuides