First of all Sallute to (Real Hero’s of India) and thanks to attendees @PapiaMandal &
** @v4ev **
Sorry for my late recap post & Traffic reason It was bit late a 15 minutes delay for reaching at destination Meetup point ‘Maharashtra Seva Sangh’ hall was completely occupied as we are late; its was really great helping from management/staff of Maharashtra Seva Sangh as they allowed us to go directly near a stage for photoshoot, they were continuously arranging extra seating for new crowd…
The whole ceremony was really inspiring for local people like us as we get to know a Navy Men Life, experiences and achievements… With their speech i noticed that we gave respect to Soldiers, but not fully openly, its just in heart when we face them in events…
at other time in our daily chores we are almost forgotten about wars and crisis on our nations border where they are struggling 24x7…
Congrats to Cmde. Srikant Kesnur, Cmde. O. Johnson, Cdr. Abhilash Tomy, Cdr. Rajeshwari Kori, Lt. Payal Gupta for achieving such thing and for inspiring speeches from all of you…
we attend this event from 4.15 to 8 pm with snacks offering at Terrace. Here Hero’s again proved as they are Really Careful about civilians by first offering us to go for eating.
I should mention that the meet-up was planned because of invitation from Local Guide @Sheel2 but unfortunately he was outstation for that period…
Here i am providing photos drive link : Meet up : Real Hero’s of India - Prerna Awards