[Recap] Map Editing Walk - Jalkuri, Narayanganj

I’m glad that we have done my first meet-up for added missing information, small business and remove wrong place at Jalkuri in Narayanganj this week. The Jalkuri is a busy place in Narayanganj city and many small businesses startup frequently and also changes business places so fast. So our aim is to keep update Google Maps and makes it more useful for everyone.

As my continue spam free maps so we arranged a meet-up on last Friday 18th of June. Our meet-up for Update information and added small business was at Jalkuri Bus stand, in Narayanganj starts at 8 am and finish 9.30 am.
For rainy weather no more local guide Couldn’t joined this meetup.

During the event we have added missing places, fixing wrong information and adding photos of different business places. We also discuss with different Business owners about how to add a business places on Google Maps and how to update any information after adding them on Google Maps, also they can get benefitted from it.

During this event we have fixed information of more than 10 POI’s of businesses places on Google Maps, 5 POI’s are new POI’s and the rest 10+ POI’s fixing information like Name correction, adding contact number adding hours and address correction.

We also advice different Business managements about claim their own business and manage with Google My Business and can get more customers to their business.

We finished our meetup 9.30 pm in local time.



Dear @NasimJoy

Congratulations :confetti_ball: on your successful first meet-up. I hope you will host more such Meet-ups in the future.

Keep it up

Stay safe


Well done! nice to see your recap @NasimJoy


Hi @NasimJoy

Congratulations for you successful Meet ups and its recaps too! :tada:

Thanks for sharing with us a beautiful post of Meet ups recaps!

have a nice day my friend! :sunflower:

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অভিনন্দন আর শুভেচ্ছা @NasimJoy দাদা।
সুন্দর রিক্যাপের মাধ্যমে আপনার কর্মকান্ড এর প্রথম ধাপ সম্পন্ন হলো। আপনার কাজ সত্যি ই আমাদের উৎসাহ জুগিয়ে চলে। ও সর্বোপরি এই মিটাপের মাধ্যমে আপনি লোকাল বিজনেস কেও সাহায্য করলেন।
ভালো থাকবেন দাদা।
আপনার থেকে অনেক কিছুর অপেক্ষায় আছি। অপেক্ষায় রইলাম পরবর্তী মিটাপের।

Just keep going.


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@NasimJoy GOod to read your meet-up recap. Keep it up!

Thanks for arranging this important meetup. You did good contribution. Hope your contribution goes on.

Nice recap, Thanks for sharing with us.

Happy Guiding