RECAP: Map Accessibility 2021

Hello! Local Guides,

We had another great day with some amazing Local Guides who are caring about Guiding and Mapping Accessibility. We 10 Local Guides from different part of Dhaka city met together for mapping accessibility and celebrating the "International Day of Persons with Disability ". This year’s theme is- “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.”

It was also a part of our Map Accessibility Campaign by Local Guides Bangla.
It was the best moment getting together with all the amazing Local Guides after a long time. Due to shutdown and personal problems we had a long gap on hosting Meetup. This meetup helps us to meet and guide together with fellow Local Guides after a long time.It was 9.20 am when we started our activities from Government Titumir College gate. Before we started we planned and discussed our meet-up agenda. We started our Mapping from 9.30 am.

Some important place reviews:

  • Dutch Bangla Fast track and some ATM -Medona Tower
    there are some popular Bank ATM booths there but during our visit we didn’t find accessibility there.

  • Green Delta AIMS Tower
    A modern design fully accessible building found. It’s also an Eco-friendly building which is noticeable on the front side of the Building. There is accessibility parking from the front and back side of this building. Anyone can visit this whole building using their lift facilities.
    Some eco-friendly Mapping time

  • Masjid-e-Gausul Azam
    A completely Eco-friendly and accessible mosque. It is a large mosque. Accessible ramp, Car parking, green open environment, Toilets with washroom are available there

  • Dhaka Bank Head office
    A new and awesome design building. An easily accessible entrance for everyone.

  • Robi tower and Robi customer care

Its a very popular building and public service zone of country’s one of the best Mobile Network provider. But No Accessibility found for their customer care office.

  • United Commercial Bank
    It is about showcasing accessible facilities they have. They have a large ramp with an awesome decorative side. It can be a great example for Accessibility.

    Overall this area (Gulshan) is one of the most developed parts of Dhaka City and Bangladesh. Most of the roads and paths are nicely decorative and accessible. About 90% Buildings have all the accessibility facilities and of course they are aware about Accessibility rights. Which is a role model of an accessible city for a developing Country.

    We have found a lot of locations for review during the walk. We updated maps information, Took photos and discussed the recent updates of the Local Guides program during our walk. It was like a photo walk and mapping meetup as usual.
    Beside checking accessibility we also discussed disability rights and what is the opportunity of implementing Disabled rights and their facilities in our society. We also reported some spam from Maps during the meetup.
    Then we together completed the Jumma prayer and launch. Then our meet-up ended after a short discussion.
    Some selfies and quality Time with amazing Local Guides fellows
    Thanks to my fellow Local Guides for joining and making a successful day with mapping and celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disability day. Check the Meet-up Album link to see our best moments with more photos.

Thanks again to @ShakilAK @ShahMdSultan @MojammelR @SolaimanHossain @MS_Pathan @Amzad @Khokan @ others.
Keep Guiding together!
Happy Guiding!


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ঢাকার বাইরে থাকার কারনে মিস করেছি :unamused:


@user_not_found Thanks for your commenting brother. Together we can make the world Accessible faster. Keep Guiding! Accessibility!

Happy Guiding!


মিট আপটি সত্যিই খুবই দুর্দান্ত ছিল।


Dear @ShafiulB A great recap of the meetup on accessibility in Dhaka. It is really great to see you all together after a long wait.

Stay safe and stay happy #HappyGuiding


Enjoyed it a lot :smiling_face: Thanks to all and @ShafiulB Bhai for hosting this Meet-Up.


অনেক আনন্দময় ও শিক্ষনীয় একটি দিন ছিলো।



It was great to see everyone at the meet-up. There was a lot of desire to participate in the meetup but I could not participate because I was out of Dhaka with my family. I hope if there is such a meet-up program in future then I will participate again InshaAllah. Greetings and congratulations from the bottom of my heart to all the local guides participating in the meetup. Many thanks to Shafiul Bashar’s Bhai for organizing such a beautiful even


দেখে মনে হচ্ছে খুবই ভাল একটা সময় আমি মিস করেছি, সবার সাথে কাজ করার অনুপ্রেরণা আমার আছে,সামনে একসাথে কাজ করার চেষ্টা করবো


Its great.

I am missed for outside of Dhaka.

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I am very lucky Being the part of this

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That was a great day

Right, that was a nice day…

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Very good work local guides bangla teem active movement. Thank you so much all my dear brother. Best recap post accessible.

Many many thanks @ShafiulB brother.


@KhokonSharker thanks for joining and commenting here!

@PritishB Thanks for commenting and supporting. Yes it was also for a great moment for us joining together with all the fellow Local Guides on this accessibility Meet-Up!

Keep Guiding!

Happy Guiding!

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@ShahMdSultan Thanks for your collaboration and joining on hosting such kind of great meet-up. Keep supporting and guiding!

Happy Guiding!

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@Muntasir Very glad to see your comment here. Looking forward to seeing you on our next Meetup.

@mamun837 I hope see you soon brother.

Happy Guiding!

@AhmadullahBD Thanks for your compliment brother. Hope we will meet one day!

Happy Guiding!

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@AmzadHossain thanks for your compliments dear brother. We also very happy to get like your fellow Local Guide.

Keep Guiding!

Happy Guiding!