[RECAP] Local Guides Talk Indonesia Road Trip Surabaya

Hello everyone introduce me Fahmi Adimara, Local Guides Surabaya and also Local Guides Summit 2017.

When I enrolled in the Local Guides Summit online application, and if I was accepted in the 2017 summit then I would make a something that I can share like a small forum. Sharing small things about my experience through nearby communities. Well, since I already have the idea, I want to implement it with regional friends who want to support my idea of ​​this :

" @localguidestalk are Local Guides opinion, thought, and issues about their Local Guides life "

This idea is quite simple, it can be said small meetup, but i can called it the next level meetup, there will be additional sharing session. For that I will need 2 people from Local Guides Regional to tell me about his experience joining Local Guides community in his region. And The plan, in this month I am marathon to several cities in Indonesia, with route Jakarta - Bandung - Yogyakarta - Semarang - Bojonegoro - Gresik - Surabaya - Sidoarjo - Pasuruan. And this activity purely using my own money, no endorsement whatsoever.

Today in Surabaya is my third destination city in Java Island for this inspirational collaboration Local Guides Talk. I have to collaborate with @localguidessurabaya Community to held this event. And this time helped by Local Guides Surabaya Coordinator, @badai-badai . This is my real small contributions for @localguidesindonesia and this is my dreaming to improve some Local Guides communities in Indonesia. This event is the third event I did after the first and second event. This event was only a few participants who can come because of the 30 people who confirm it turns out that many who canceled or can not come suddenly.

The initial steps to implement this idea are :

  1. I gathered some people who connected on my instagram for follow up.

  2. I have created a temporary group of each region for this event, which after the event the group members will be directed to join the official group in each region.

  3. If interested to join, they can contact me in account instagram @fahmiadimara.

  4. This event actually supported by @fairfieldsurabaya

Today @fairfieldsurabaya full support this meet-up. They provide us place, lunch and space to support this event.


  • In this event there is no use of Google Logos and Local Guides, but we’r using the Local Guides Indonesia Community Logo

** In this event is not related to any brand “endorsement”



Too awesome ! Yey

The first meet up that I could join, Yippie…!

Thanks a lot for having me as one of participants in this wonderful meet up.

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Awmazing meet up

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This is a nice wrap up, thank you @FahmiAdimara for hosting this meet-up.

I’d love to say happy contributing to all my fellow Local Guides in Surabaya

Warm regards,



Its going pleasure to have join event like this, finally meet people I adored and make some connection with them. Good luck for the rest tour agenda!


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Thanks for help us Ro @rorohais . Get Well Soon yaaa!

Thanks for coming mbaaak @ammachemist . Hope see you again in our next meetup :slight_smile:

Thanks for coming mas @yussaqali . Hope see you again in our next meetup :slight_smile:

Hi OOOmmmm @kukus12911 . Thanks for coming yaaa. Hope see you again in our next meetup :slight_smile:

Haai @nuri13 thanks for coming yaa!. Lets join next meetup

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Lets have more time next meet! We just said hello each others @kukus12911

@kukus12911 wrote:

This is a nice wrap up, thank you @FahmiAdimara for hosting this meet-up.

I’d love to say happy contributing to all my fellow Local Guides in Surabaya

Warm regards,


Mbak! haha take the baby to join, too, always ya. (Udah jodoh sama bang dadu deh, nempel terus haha)

@ammachemist wrote:

The first meet up that I could join, Yippie…!

Thanks a lot for having me as one of participants in this wonderful meet up.

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Sure, as long as the date isnt clashed ^0^

Hope the photowalk and geowalk will be coming soon. @FahmiAdimara

@nuri13 wrote:

Lets have more time next meet! We just said hello each others @kukus12911

@kukus12911 wrote:

This is a nice wrap up, thank you @FahmiAdimara for hosting this meet-up.

I’d love to say happy contributing to all my fellow Local Guides in Surabaya

Warm regards,


You’re a generous person @nuri13 . I’m so sorry, it was just a hello, actually it is the only thing I can do best on a first met, since I am a bit of wallflower. But sure, I’ll get the things right on the next meet-up, wkwkwkwkwk.

@FahmiAdimara Hi !! look so nice Meet up !! Nice video also.

Keep it up …

Happy Guiding !!!

Haha Selama dia janji ga rewel selama ikut, insya Allah saya ikut meet up sambil bawa dia. Karena kalau nggak, saya yang harus mundur untuk tidak ikut daripada ninggalin dia di rumah :rofl:

Thanks for having me Surabaya <3