RECAP: Local Guides Ramadan Iftar, Breaking Fast Together, United In Harmony

Finally the Holly month of Ramadan is coming , everyone welcomed with joy for a full month we fasting.
Do you know there is a a unique traditions in Indonesia during the fasting month, which is breaking the fast together a.k.a Bukber (Buk : Breaking the Fast . And Ber for Together).

The tradition of breaking fast together or iftar and known Bukber in Indonesia has been going on for a long time. This is a unique tradition has been passed down from generation to generation .Indonesian people really like togetherness. Generally a joint iftar is held at the invitation of someone. Inviters provide food to guests or a group making plans for their iftar with their own expenses or potluck.

On May 20 ,2019 took place at the Dapur Indonesia restaurant in Jakarta, Jakarta Local guides community held an iftar celebration by inviting around 45 people’s of fellow local guides from Jakarta and other cities. Several new members of the Jakarta Local Guides were present at this event. This is really beyond my expectations, all seemed enjoy and happy when fellow local guides joined the event from the beginning to the end. The purpose of this event is to strengthen the relationship between fellow local guides. Difference is not an obstacle, but local guides united in harmony. We did also contributions to google maps by reviewing places and adding photos.

At this event I acted as Master Ceremony and host ,also assisted by other fellow local guides. After Iftar and Praying followed by an introductory session of each Iftar’s participant . The event took place lively when Mrs. Devi held an attractive sharing session. The participants were also enthusiastic when the quiz session began. Lots of surprises and prizes that night.

For me, this is a very extraordinary event and will not be forgotten. I would like to say thank to all my fellow local guides for their help, support so that the joint Iftar celebration will be held safely, orderly and successfully. See you again at iftar in the coming years.

More Photos :

Is there a unique tradition in your country during the holy month of Ramadan?

#ConnectWritingChallenge @AdrianLunsong


Makasih bang @Radjasitanggang yang meluangkan waktunya untuk jadi host pada acara bukber tahun ini.


Thank you, @Radjasitanggang for a great event. See yaa, :slight_smile:


What a great meetup and review bro…:+1:


Jajakallah @Radjasitanggang . Bangladesh local guides third time inspiring Ramadan title meetup in in Dhaka and other cities. Also join with us from Bangalore local guide Salman also arrange similar event. Can we arrange similar banner all over Muslim countries ??? I think it’s more focus to know about Ramadan ,sahur and iftar


Ramadhan berkah

Selalu membawa kebersamaan yg indah




Terima kasih juga Pak atas support Dan dukungan nya sehingga acara ini berjalan dengan lancar. Terima kasih buat teman2 semuanya, dukungan Kalian luar biasa .


Sama-sama bro, semoga kita bisa tetap menjaga jalinan persahabatan /silaturahmi sesama Local Guides

@mahebhi ,Terima Kasih bro, acara berjalan lancar dan kaget juga pesertanya diluar ekspektasi.

@TarieKoe ,Terima kasih Mbak atas atensinya.


Thank you @Radjasitanggang @SuhandiWidjaja for being great hosts ! I really enjoy the Bukber with Jakarta Local Guides


Fantastic Meet-up about holy month of Ramadan Iftar @Radjasitanggang



@MahabubMunna Nice to heard that your experience. I do agree with your idea. Happy fasting bro.

@Ariefpokto ,Sama2 bro, terima kasih telah mensupport acara kita, dari kita buat kita dan oleh kita.

@QaziJunaid .Thanks bro for your kind attention. Do you have a unique tradition in your country during holy month of Ramadan?


Halo @Radjasitanggang

Acara yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya jadi juga, JLG mengadakan Bukber. Senang sekali bisa bertemu teman lama dan teman baru. Apalagi beberapa dari tempat yang jauh.

Saya diminta sharing dadakan, dan akhirnya membahas Street view Trusted Photographer deh.

Mudah2an ke depannya bisa continue diadakan acara seperti ini.


Mantap…sukses selalu…ramadhan berkah…


Hello Mom @Ddimitra

Senang dan bahagia rasanya, Jika Ramadan bisa mempertemukan kembali tali persaudaraan/silaturahmi diantara sesama local guides, terima kasih mom sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk berbagi dengan teman2 local guides, semoga ilmu nya bermanfaat dan bisa diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari2.

Juga, Terima Kasih ayah @Ifauzi atas dukungan moril dan materi nya, semoga selalu sehat walafiat, rezeki lancar. Walaupun Awalnya perbincangan kecil, namun hasilnya diluar ekspekstasi. Terima Kasih Mom @Ddimitra dan ayah @Ifauzi .


@Radjasitanggang . I should salute you and bow from my waist. You are so talented in hosting a meet-ups First the three and a half days meet up and now Iftar Meet up. Gathering 45 Local Guides in the same time is not easy. Success and keep on writing. Sorry that I cannot joint the meet-ups , there some tasks should be accomplished. Keep on contributing.


Makasih bang @Radjasitanggang acaranya seru!

Makasih juga buat pak Is, Kohans, dan semua sponsor

Makasih kak Lia, Brojen, mba Nuniek buat icip2nya

Dan makasih buat semua yg hadir atas kebersamaannya


Thank you master @BudiFXW , lucky me , I am not alone. The event was successful because support all of participants. Once again, Thank you all my lovely friend for the helps and support.

Terima Kasih juga Mbak @RizqaAmalia sudah berkontribusi hadir di acara bukber. Kenapa mas @tananda23 gak diajak?


@Radjasitanggang Thank you for sharing the Iftar program with us.

As mentioned by @MahabubMunna we can use the concept all together.

Thanks again.



You’re most welcome brother @MdAtikuzzamanLimon

I do agree with @MahabubMunna we can use that concept all together.


Hehehe, mau ikutan sebenarnya, tapi karena ada buka bersama kantor yang waktunya sama, ya terpaksa tidak ikut dulu.


I have invited a bukber with Jakarta Local Guides and big thanks to bg @Radjasitanggang that event was so great, i’m hoping to join next event :blush: