{Recap} LGC Anniversary Map Editing Walk Kasur

Recap} LGC Anniversary Map Editing Walk Kasur

Hello World, I want to share the recap of my first meetup, which was organized by me in Kasur City.

This meetup was a part of unofficial Celebrations of Local Guides Connectand I would like to say thank to @KashifMisidia who motivated and guided us and gave courage to start initiative very first time in this region called Kasur City.

It was map editing and photo walk, We started our meet up at 11 AM along Ferozepur Road ,Kasur.

My son @Ahzum Mumtaz and nephew @Ahsan Imtiaz were with me to add the places which was not showing on Google maps. We added so many new place with their first pictures which were not no google map. Our map editing walk was ended on 1 PM. Infact the Kasur City 's many places are still waiting to add in Google Maps, because there are not too many people who are contributing for Google maps, that was the basic reason for our Map Editing Walk in our city.

We start adding places from kamal Chishti Round to area Ganda Singh border Ferozepure Road in Google maps and correcting the wrong informations about open and close timings, names , phone numbers, wheel chair Accessibility , and other necessary informations which can help other people to visit these places. We covered about four kilometers area, and added/edit around 15 places in Google Maps.

That day was one of the best days of our life , because we truly contribute for our city and community by Google Maps. And I hope we will continue initiatives like this in future.

Thank you So Much Local Guides Connect,

Google Maps, Local Guides Pakistan, and @KashifMisidia Bhai, who introduced the best way to serve our Country and Community and encourage us as well.

@KashifMisidia brother is a great mentor and guide on local guide connect. He is playing role of moderator here. May he live long and stay blessed. May Allah accept his services for humanity. Amin

Please give your feedbacks by comments, it will be highly appreciated and valued .


Mumtaz Ibrahim


Simply Awesome Recap @Mumtazibrahim76 bhai.

You, your son @Ahzum_Mumtaz and nephew did a great job. I really love it, because I believe your contributions and edits will help thousands of people in Kasur City .

Looking forward to see more great initiatives from you and @Ahzum_Mumtaz in furtue.

Thank you for your support and honour for me.

Keep contributing and keep inspiring us.

Shukriya :pray:


@KashifMisidia Sir indeed you are great mentor ,brother ,guide and human being. You deserve much more respect and honour for your good deeds. Stay blessed

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Hi @Mumtazibrahim76 ,

Your first Meet-up sounds to be great and successful! Congrats!

It’s very kind of @Kashifmisidia to help you so much! I wish you to continue to do such wonderful meet-ups and share the recap of them with us!

Have a nice weekend!


Welldone @Mumtazibrahim76 bhai
It’s probably the first ever meetup from Kasur. I’ve been to Kasur once back in 2005. It’s a beautiful place.
Keep sharing with us the moments from your city :slight_smile:


Thank you @PoliMC and @Mumtazibrahim76 :pray:



Many thanks brother for appreciating our little efforts. If the motivator like you are available then nothing possible to do in this world.

Stay blesses


@PoliMC I am really grateful for appreciating and acknowledging my efforts. @KashifMisidia He is great motivator person. I am thankful to him also. I hope if we will together by supporting each other ,world will be more beautiful .

Many thanks.


@Haseeb I am really honoured by you. I am thankful for your valued comments. Sir you are doing a great job as I saw your work. Second you are having a supporting and guiding attitude to your followers. Many thanks and stay blessed. :rose:



Many thanks


Hi @Mumtazibrahim76 ,

your recap is simply amazing.

I liked your content, narration and photos.

congrats once again and thanks for sharing your valuable experiences there @Mumtazibrahim76 .



Brother, I am grateful for your valued conversation. God bless you.:pray:


A big congrats on your first successful meet-up @Mumtazibrahim76 bhai. I’m sure these contributions will be helpful to someone somehow.

Kudos to your efforts to Kasur city. Well done.