[RECAP] Lets Guide Surabaya Collaboration

Located at @hotelmajapahitsby, on this occasion we @localguidessurabaya collaborate with one of the largest local youth community in the country @fimsurabaya.

This collaboration aims to provide education to the nation’s youth movers who are obliged to know that the digital power, especially social media can have a positive impact on the environment and surrounding communities. The main platforms that can be utilized are Local Guides, Google Maps, Youtube and Instagram. I initiated this event because I think that when Local Guides often perform various forms of collaboration by sharing platforms, in the future it will feel the impact of the environment and its social impact. Especially to help tourism and local business that is growing in Surabaya.

In this opportunity we discuss about “Social Media for Change” with speakers

  1. @FahmiAdimara (Local Guides Summit 17 & Google Street View Trusted Photographer),
  2. @badai-badai (Local Guide Surabaya),
  3. @hellofira (FIM 19 and Captain FIM Surabaya).

Did you know? there will be projects from 120 potential participants!
Because later the whole team is accompanied by Local Guides expert from the city of Surabaya which is divided into 12 teams will explore the city of Surabaya with the mission of promoting local tourism through instagram platform and Google Maps with Local Guides.

List Local Guides on photo who accompany friends on the team :

  1. FahmiAdimara
  2. Badaib
  3. Claudiaamanda08
  4. annisaismi
  5. Rorohais
  6. elyudith
  7. Kukus12911
  8. AlvanYogi
  9. Dirga
  10. aldhiansyah
  11. YussaqAli
  12. NenaZakiah
  13. Oriezky

Thank you for the luxury Hotel Majapahit Surabaya who has full support and support this great event!

Google Maps Hotel Majapahit : https://goo.gl/maps/Bs1BYyCcZ4G2

#localguides #localguidessurabaya #localguidesindonesia
#fimsurabaya #forumindonesiamuda #pelatwil4 # fim20
#fimlocalguides #fimstameet
#hotelmajapahit #hotelmajapahitsurabaya


awesome dude! everyone is so exciting about how to contribute on google maps. They asked me a ton of question!! how enthusiast they are. thanks guys for this opportunity

cool event @FahmiAdimara awesome movement by youth in Surabyaa. inspiring!