[Recap] Let's Celebrate Connect’s 5th Birthday

Hello awesome Local Guides,
I hope you are staying safe and healthy and also doing great. In this month of celebration, I have hosted a Meet-Up called :tada: Let’s Celebrate Connect’s 5th Birthday. Now I’m going to share all the moments and activities of what we enjoyed and celebrated on this event. Let’s get started!

On July 09, 2021, I have successfully conducted this Meet-Up along with 35+ Local Guides from our country (Bangladesh) and India (Kolkata, West Bengal). So you can treat it as an international Meet-Up (ha ha ha). All you know that official birthday of Connect is July 15, but we did it earlier in our ways! Because we Bangladeshi Local Guides are so excited for this. This Meet-up was supported by Local Guides Bangla.

We divided our Meet-Up into these agendas:

  • Get to know each other
  • Discussion (what is Local Guides Connect?)
  • Celebrate Connect’s 5th Birthday

Get to know each other: In this part, I have taken responsibility and requested all the attendees to introduce themselves. Local Guides also shared their name, Local Guide level, Local Guiding year & location and more.

**Discussion (what is Local Guides Connect?):**After that, our connect moderator @ShafiulB Bhai initiated this topic and shared many insights of Local Guides Connect program.

Later, @ShakilAK Bhai presented the Local Guides Connect community, and it’s all features through the screen sharing

From the West Bengal (India) Local Guides community, @PritishB Dada has shared his Local Guide journey in short. Also, he shared the story of becoming his Guiding Star.

Our another Local Guide from the West Bengal @KalyanPal Dada has shared the story of becoming an Accessibility Champion.

**Celebrate Connect’s 5th Birthday :cake: :**YES, this is our main agenda. In this agenda, we have discussed many topics like usually how we celebrate our and FnF’s birthdays and more. Many Local Guides also shared their individual anniversary wishes for Connect’s Birthday.

Additionally, some of our awesome Local Guides also shared Connect’s 5th Birthday wishes through their individual video. AND, here is the full Video.

Thank you so much for sending your videos. @Ariful_Hasan_SLP @ReshamDas @SaifIS @SolaimanHossain @NasimJoy @MAHBUB_HYDER

In this Meet-Up, there was a Q/A Session. Some Local Guides have asked a few questions regarding the Local Guide program and Google Maps, and answered these by expert Local Guides. Actually, we have enjoyed a lot from this Meet-Up. Though, this Meet-up was supposed to end at 9 PM, but it continued till 10 PM.

Relevant links below:

I would like to thank all Local Guides who joined us and made this lively Meet-Up successful.


Happy Birthday Connect!

Happy Birthday Connect!!

Happy Birthday Connect!!!



Thank you @ShahMdSultan for sharing this nice recap of the meetup. That was really a great evening with all the lovely local guides from Bangladesh and West Bengal. Moreover I was very Happy to see all the community LGs together after a long time.

Local Guiding program has given me a family. And Local Guides Bangla is in my heart.

Thanks to @ShafiulB @ShakilAK @ShahMdSultan @KalyanPal @BidurC @@and all other LGs of LGB :hearts: .

Hope, This bonding will never last forever between two Bengal.

Stay safe and happy.



@ShahMdSultan It was nice meeting you all! :heart_eyes:


Hi @ShahMdSultan

It was a great Meet ups with some great LGs!

So happy to participate your Meet up!

Thanks for hosting a wonderful Meet ups and it’s Recaps too!

Have a great day!

I also posted a recaps of Solo biking!


যেকোনো মিট-আপ এ উপস্থিত থাকতে সবর্দায় ভালো লাগে আর যদি হয় মাতৃভাষায় অর্থাৎ বাংলা ভাষায় মিট-আপ , তাহলে পুরো জমজমাট ব্যাপার ।

এই মিট-আপে উপস্থিতি থাকতে পেরে খুব ভালো লাগছিলো । সবার সাথে পরিচয় হওয়ার আরও বেশি ভালো লেগেছিল ।

@ShahMdSultan দাদা, অনেক ধন্যবাদ এই রকম মিট-আপ আয়োজন করার জন্য ।

@ShafiulB দাদা, @SaifIS দাদা ও @ShakilAK দাদার উপস্থিতি ও বক্তব্যগুলি আরও জমিয়ে তুলেছিল ।

সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ । ভালো থাকবেন :blush:


Looking upon the great text description and images, I am sure it was a fantastic meetup, once again by the Bangla Local Guides community!

Well done on the video, @ShahMdSultan dada, especially the part in Bengali towards the end by @NasimJoy was the icing on cake.

Happy Birthday, Google Local Guides Connect!


Had enjoyed a lot during this virtual 5th anniversary of Connect. Meet up with Bengali Local Guides are always fun and interesting.

Thanks @ShahMdSultan for hosting such kind of well organised Meet Up.


Hello @PritishB Dada, thanks for your nice comments here! Glad you liked this Meet-Up.

Looking forward to seeing a friendly Meet-Up between West Bengal Local Guides and Local Guides Bangla.