[Recap] Kraków sunset walk

Recap Kraków Sunset walk.

Okay, one of the Meet Ups I did started alone… But this will not change my mind to organize more in the future. It went always out funny and this time as well.

As I know the rout very well, who was planned for the sunset walk, I went to the key point. The Wawel castel and saw that it will be difficult to take nice sunset pictures, because after the whole sunny day, in the afternoon the weather starts to be cloudy and misty…

So, I decided to go right to the Jewish district in Kraków, where is a very big and diverse nightlife. As @TSS was waiting for a Polish Drinks post, I did prepare this.

To be totally clear. I write about a kind of drug. Alkohol can destroy a lot, but this is with many things when using to much. I like it from time to time anyway :wink:

Most important is preparing the stomach. During the day I already did eat through the half of my post about Polish Food… Anyway a doughnut is always welcome.

Poland has a big drinking culture. Somehow I think sometimes, if all shops will stop to work, at least the Alkohol Stores will work…

Poland has a wide selection of beer :beer:. In the last year especially very nice craft beer types. If you go to Poland, make sure to try some of this craft beers. There are also very good popular industry beers.

But most characteristic is Vodka. And here is the special point you have to remember. Wodka tastes different! Maybe not all, but you are really able to taste different qualities. For most people I know from Countries where is no Vodka culture, this is a surprise. Is like with Gin!

Very popular, but not the only premium Vodka in Poland is Chopin. It is really a taste sensation. (But never ever ask, why there is named a Polish Vodka with a „French“ Composer! Never! Never! :thinking: He is born in Poland and his mother was Polish) Comparable with other Vodkas it is expensive and don’t make a drink out of this…

Than we have the other famous Vodka called Zubrowka. He has a bison grass inside and together with clear apple juice this is outstanding. It tastes like appel pie. Take care, there is Vodka inside - your brain maybe will not recognize so quick and suddenly you are drunken.

And as Vodka can take a lot of energy out of you, should try blackcurrant with Vodka.

So, I did meet funny people, but no Local Guides. I didn’t made a pictures with them for you …:smiley:

See the photo album, if you like: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dSMsRmVLhokbct8i6

And between Vodka taste, alway remember to eat. The night with Vodka is anyway not healthy and good for your body, so take fatty food…

Or Zapiekanka!

Hope to see more Polish Local Guides next time! At least in September for the European Meet Up.




For you :wink:


The BBQ and the beer sound good to me but vodka is too strong ;-).

Thanks for sharing and see you around



Hi Torben,

I regret I wasn’t there with you and all other google local ‘Doughnuts’
… but nothing can escape me :wink: I’m going to the next meetup in September

and staying with you 2-3 days long, to feel the Cracow’s breeze,

have some polish tapas food, make photos

and to taste some vodka with gin (I never did before this mixture).

See you soon


~ Mirella


You know, I really love Poland :poland: as except of myself the whole family is Polish… @ @Julien44 . You did not comment Chopin :wink:.

Poland is a interesting and nice country. If you really like food, drinks and culture this is a must have. So, the people there are somehow special. Very modern and very old style in a mixture always mysterious to understand. September will be an excellent possibility to get in touch with this country in the heart :heart: of Europe!

So, looking forward to meet you @PoloniaUNIVERSAL . I hope that others like @JacekNK , @Przemo , @KrzysztofB_1 will join and I look forward to meet @Stanisław_Kruk again!


Thank you for all dear friend @TorM .

Sorry for my delay to reply but as you know I’m travelling around Poland.

I’m keeping in touch with the polish meal…is so delicious. Yesterday I ate bigos and Kiełbasa with a big Lech beer.

I have to go.

See you


Hi @TorM ,

You are right, I didn’t mention Chopin as I don’t know him ;-).

Seriously, I didn’t know he was born in Poland and he had a polish mother.

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.



Hey @TorM

What a great meet up. Love the photos. Meals looks so yummy :slight_smile:


Wao, I hope you enjoyed this @TorM . Thank you for sharing. I’m surprised to see that you were alone in that meetup. On connect I can see there are lots of local guides from Poland. I know they are from different area but many of them will be near you.

  1. https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?advanced=false&allow_punctuation=false&q=poland
  2. https://plus.google.com/communities/112260367445673254670

HI @TorM !!!

Another meet-up :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:.

No matter if you started alone, you made new friends :grinning: :grin::grinning: :grin:… And now you are sharing with all of us :wink:.

Interesting information about Polish Vodka and beer. You are a master!!!

Delicious meat!

We have visualized how a night in Kraków could be :)))

Did you dance :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:?

Good Afternoon from the South of Spain,



Did I dance :dancer:, @AlejandraMaria . ??? If, than in this way…:man_dancing:

Secrets need to stay a secret. Best way to know, is to join us in September, than you will see what happen…

But, in case of dancing :man_dancing: I‘m not the typical German man :wink:

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Hi @TorM !

Yes the best way to know is joining and meeting the non typical German :)))))

The problem is that I am not finding easy flights to Krakow… What a pity…

Good Afternoon from the South of Spain; this time from El Puerto de Santa María (next to Jerez),


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