(Recap) Unity Walk
Serving people is serving God.
Hello LG.
I was very excited for unity walk but two day before the unity walk, in my colony 4 building were seal.
Mumbai Andheri hotspot of coronavirus
So confirmed with lg friend Shruti, she told don’t move out from home, she guide me & explained how much risky to go out in one of the contentment zone of Mumbai for Unity walk- ( Map editing & add places )
due to COVID. She told, So after attending virtual meet up I started my work.
First I edit the post , years & months old, I knew my area shop are open,& add new places.
visiting card.
Next day,I called shop keeperI had there visiting card ,ask them few questions timing when they open & closed now, how many days your shop is open, & told send your latest photo of entrance I want to update my review seeing the place, & write whether it’s accessibility is there or not.
I got message & call from from a shop keeper see my status photo can you please put in google about my shop, I said I will do it .Then they were happy .
I wrote review of cell shop he was happy, he knew me so ask please don’t write it’s not accessible .Then I explain him we have mention he said ok. I told him if u put ramp I shall edit it again. I gave him idea there 5-6 shop in a line I told contribute money together put one ramp he was happy told we shall do it together.
I felt nice again I could help them. & share my review in my area group so that people come to know the shop are open even colony people are happy through me they came to which shop is open or not.
Vegetables vendor on cart I had his no. & share it with my colony 3 group’s & my building group told him give free home delivery he was happy .
Last week I told him don’t deliver in colony it is seal, he told me, if
Big company’s also giving home delivery why not I ?
he taking safety measures and giving home delivery service in my colony because people are not coming out of their home.
Lastly I would say,
I feel serving them is serving God.
Lastly I would Thanks my son who helped me clicked photo of few shop & bank for me as I couldn’t move out ( as per our Government guidelines senior citizens have to take more care ) unfortunately that day it was raining here & some part of Mumbai so my son could not take more pictures for my contribution, that day. Next day again he went & click photo 's which I could add.
Thanks to LG friend’s who motivated me I could do it.
** @AmbrishVarshney **
** @Shrut19 **
We team Maharashtra also decided to keep continue Contributing day by day to help small business. Because,
We believe My small Contribution can make big change in small business owners.
I thank to @TPattanaik who gave this idea how, Unity help Rebuild small business
Here is my Photo Album.