The great architectures of Valluvar Kottam

I feel very happy that we made this meet-up and we had an enjoyable relaxed photo walk in a great historical monument. This is the first meetup organized by Mr. @Selvamani_R and two new local guides @arunprasanth_d & @Sundaranava joined with us for the first time. After we did introductions and talk about our previous meet up’s, photography, contributions, and many more, then we begin our photo walk.

Even though I have been around here so many times before it is only now that I know the history and story behind every building I see. Valluvar Kottam is not considered as one of the most popular areas of Chennai among locals and tourists but many foreigners visiting here to see and study this great architecture. And the Chariot is indeed impressive!.

About The Location Valluvar Kottam :

The Valluvar Kottam, located in Chennai, is one such historical monument which is dedicated to the well-known intellectual poet, philosopher and saint, Thiruvalluvar, who penned his well-known Thirukkural more than 2,000 years ago. It is seen as a replica of the temple chariot in Thiruvarur, and a life-size idol of the Thiruvalluvar has been installed in the 39-meter high chariot at the top of an ancient vehicle called ‘Thaer’.A very unique feature of the Valluvar Kottam is that it stands baseless, without the support of any pillar.

Please visit for More Photos: Valluvar kottam Photo walk meet-up

Thank you very much for a great and very interesting tour dear @Selvamani_R I had a very good time with you all and hope to organize another one soon.


Thank you LG @MohanVee for the beautiful photos and post.

My first meet-up at Valluvar kottam Chennai is all success because of you and other LG’s.

Some of the information I have missed in my post is neatly covered by you.

Thanks for sharing your valuable post.:+1:


Hey @MohanVee ,

Thanks for sharing your recap with us! Your album is great and your stories are very interesting.

I really like the colours and I haven’t been to that part of the world. Did you manage to meet new Local Guides from your region?


Hi @MohanVee

Your meetup has thrown light on this beautiful monument dedicated to our ancient poet Thiruvalluvar. Of late this monument has lost it’s tourist attraction.

Before 25 years we visited the place just to see the monument and also we paid entry fee.

Now it’s colourful view is still more enchanting.

You photos has also added beauty to your write-up.

Thanks for your wonderful post.


@KatyaL thanks for your comments :slight_smile:

@MohanVee your pictures look really amazing. Thanks for sharing them with us :slight_smile:


Hello dear @MohanVee !

Very good [RECAP]… Sincerely…

Will explain the details, shortly, again…


All the best!


@MohanVee Thanks for the Recap, many times I have been crossed this place but couldn’t visited, by seeing all your recap planned to visit this place. Also thanks to @Selvamani_R for hosting this historical meetup. Please host more meetups like historical places it will help us to explore more places, cultures and its architectures.


Dear @MohanVee

That was an excellent post.

I loved your pictures.

All of them were so beautiful and the angles were so unique.

Keep your good job up.


Hello My Dear Brother @MohanVee . Your recap post is superb and your way of written and the construction of words really classic and as well as modern. It recalling my studies about modern poets and prose writers like T.S Eliot, Walt Whitman, William Blake, Charles Dickens and Geoffrey Chaucer. Keep on writing bro and train your pen to write more. You again again proving that your photos are unique style and valuable.

TO strive#to seek#to find#and not to yield.
Continue Guiding,
Jose G Benjamin.


Yup! @KatyaL As you said we are searching, creating and also educating new Local Guides in our region. In past 3 weeks alone we found 7 precious Local Guides and they are active too. One among the precious Stone (Local Guide) dear Sir Selvamani @Selvamani_R, hosted his fir#to strive#to seek#to find#and not to yield.st meet-up as we seen on this recap and another precious stone Dear Mam @Gurupriya who is having a recognition that she is the first female Local Guide in our community, going to conduct her First meet-up SPICY SUNDAY on June 9.

TO strive#to seek#to find#and not to yield.
Continue Guiding,
Jose G Benjamin.


Dear @MohanVee , thanks for your colorful recap post. Well written and photos are awsome.

I really want to know how you are using photo flash.

You deserve big applause :clap::clap::clap:


@MohanVee Your post and images are amazing. I am thankful, you shared this colorful recap.


@Selvamani_R Thanks for your valuable comment sir, we really enjoyed the day, you have given wonderful hospitality. And you are very good at taking mobile shoots, Album photos are awesome. Besides Congrats for your featured post on Connect.


Thank you very much for your kind words dear @KatyaL . Yes, meeting and introducing a new Local guide is our topmost priority. We encourage them to be active in connect and hosting Meet Up. How about in your country? Do you have a similar tradition like us?


Thank you very much for your kind words and the wishes @Gurukrishnapriya . OMG you visited here 25 years before ?. Yes still, it looks magnificent, but poor maintenance, they’re not maintaining water in the terrace pool. Besides, we are eagerly waiting for your Food Crawl meetup.


Thank you very much for your kind words, dear @VickyKrish bro. I wish to meet you in the upcoming meetup.


Thank you very much for your kind words and your wishes, dear @TravellerG . Everything is ok with your blessings and guidance. Hope you participate in next meetup in Chidambaram.


Thanks for your comment and wishes bro @Sathiyaph . Yes, the chariot looks awesome & taller than I expected. You should visit once.


Hi @MohanVee I know. Poor maintainence is the reason for losing tourist attraction.

See you in the meet up.


Dear @Saravanakanth Thank you so much for the appreciation and encouraging Sir.