It was an amazing experience exploring GSU (Gombe State University) after 7 years from the last time I visited.
This meet up was scheduled to start by 8am and I arrived 0728am waited for others to join me.
But very fortunate up to 0900am there was no one that joined me.
So I decided to move round the lecture classes and halls to identify the ones that are #wheelchair accessible and those that are not.
Open reaching the area most of the halls and classes are not accessible only few are accessible (about 35% are accessible)
While trying to take pictures, I was stopped by the university security personnel and I comply.
On my way going round at about 1005am I came across the team of youths holding a program to commemorate the International youth day 2019. I joined them since I’m alone.
Guess what?
I met @Detective_Sulyman
It was awesome meeting him and 2 more local Guides that I don’t know their connect ID.
I left them at about 1248pm as there are other schedules I’m to take care of.
This is how it goes…
For the few shots I snapped this is the Album
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement…