Happy New Year Dear Local Guides!
Hope that you all are fine by the grace of God. And days are going on well.
Today I wanna share my last meet-up experience which was supported by ‘Google’ and ‘Local Guides Bangla’ team was in help. This meet-up was hosted by accessible champion @Kamalhasnainee and the day was 20 December’19. Near about 85 local guides was present and It was a pre-registered meet-up.
Maximum Local Guides came at 9 o’clock at Rabindra Sarobar. After distributing Id card & T-shirt we took some snacks. The attendees face was looked full with excitement & delightful. One was introducing with another.
After capturing some group photos, we become divided into 3 teams with one lead and 2 co-lead to guide at 3 big road. Then host Kamal Hasnainee & another accessible champion @ShafiulB briefed how to guide on this day.
Our guiding purpose was to check wheelchair accessible places, update information on Google Maps, make people conscious about disable people, putting wheelchair accessible stickers, giving leaflets to people to let them know that is Google Local Guides.
Later we took place in front of Unimart, A pharmacy. Keep remain silent, It was an attempt to introduce more people about our work.
Here a Google Connect Moderator @SumaiyaZafrin connect with us and made us pleased.
Later we gone to “Guha- the Cave Kitchen” for our last part of meet-up and take launch.
There a speaking & Question and Answering also was:
Speakers speech was about:
- @SumaiyaZafrin : LG Connect
- @Kamalhasnainee : Wheelchair Accessibility
- @ShafiulB : How to Guide easily
- @AbdullahAM : Connect Live
5, @OmarBD : Street View - @bdmafuz : LG Connect & Google Maps
- @FarhanSadik (Me): Benefits Of Guiding
There gift items, which are made local guides more gratified ware:
Thanks dear readers, receive blossom love from Local Guides Bangla Team. Photo @MAHBUB_HYDER
Thanks you all again and specially want to thank you @SayeedP & @aukanamul11 for supporting me always!