[Recap] Google supported meet-up, Ornaments Of Accessibility - Dhaka.

Happy New Year Dear Local Guides!

Hope that you all are fine by the grace of God. And days are going on well.
Today I wanna share my last meet-up experience which was supported by ‘Google’ and ‘Local Guides Bangla’ team was in help. This meet-up was hosted by accessible champion @Kamalhasnainee and the day was 20 December’19. Near about 85 local guides was present and It was a pre-registered meet-up.

Maximum Local Guides came at 9 o’clock at Rabindra Sarobar. After distributing Id card & T-shirt we took some snacks. The attendees face was looked full with excitement & delightful. One was introducing with another.

After capturing some group photos, we become divided into 3 teams with one lead and 2 co-lead to guide at 3 big road. Then host Kamal Hasnainee & another accessible champion @ShafiulB briefed how to guide on this day.

Our guiding purpose was to check wheelchair accessible places, update information on Google Maps, make people conscious about disable people, putting wheelchair accessible stickers, giving leaflets to people to let them know that is Google Local Guides.

Later we took place in front of Unimart, A pharmacy. Keep remain silent, It was an attempt to introduce more people about our work.

Here a Google Connect Moderator @SumaiyaZafrin connect with us and made us pleased.

Later we gone to “Guha- the Cave Kitchen” for our last part of meet-up and take launch.
There a speaking & Question and Answering also was:
Speakers speech was about:

  1. @SumaiyaZafrin : LG Connect
  2. @Kamalhasnainee : Wheelchair Accessibility
  3. @ShafiulB : How to Guide easily
  4. @AbdullahAM : Connect Live
    5, @OmarBD : Street View
  5. @bdmafuz : LG Connect & Google Maps
  6. @FarhanSadik (Me): Benefits Of Guiding

There gift items, which are made local guides more gratified ware:

Thanks dear readers, receive blossom love from Local Guides Bangla Team. Photo @MAHBUB_HYDER

Thanks you all again and specially want to thank you @SayeedP & @aukanamul11 for supporting me always!



@Farhan21 Wow! Its an amazing meet up Experience sharing post. Thanks for tag me here and I was so happy that you were my Co lead for the Group 3.

Keep sharing!

Happy Guiding!


Happy New Year 2020 to you also @Farhan21

It’s an amazing RECAP of the event, nice description.

Thank you for sharing with us.


Assalamu alaikum @ShafiulB !

I was really very glad to become your co lead. It was an amazing day. I could learn a lot. Thanks for taking care of me. Keep Inspiring!


Thanks my dear @AbdullahAM brother!

We are the juniors are believe that thus if you always guide & keep inspiring us, we would make become spam free Bangladesh. And everywhere will be accessible. May Allah bless you!


@Farhan21 Awesome write up brother, thank you so much for sharing with us all. I hope I get this kind of writing in the future. Be good.

Best Regards


Take lots of love dear @OmarBD . You all our inspiration. Please keep me in your prayers. I will try my best to post here regularly!



Hey dear @Farhan21

I’m impressed to see your writing style and composition as well. You have unassailably brief every single things that happened in the meet-up! Thanks for this prettiest recap.

Also cordially thanks to mentioned me there, I always love to make a tour on your activities.

Wishing for a marvelous year to you & your family.


@Farhan21 thank you so much brother :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


To say that is really amazingly neat. Guiding people about guiding will change. Thanks for the beautiful presentation @Farhan21




আপনে অনেক সুন্দৱ লিখেছেন. ভালে লেখাৱ মানুষ খুব কম, কিন্তু আপনাৱ লেখা টা দেখে মনে হলে আৱো কয় দিন আগে কেন লিখলেন না @Farhan21 আশা কৱি আগামীতে আৱো ভাল কিছু দেখতে পাবে.


wow @Farhan21 it’s a great experience recap you are sharing with us. Awesome detailing about the meet up “Ornaments of Accessibility”. I am proud of you. Starting is really fantastic. Thanks,


খুবই সুন্দর একটি মিট আপ ছিল। আপনাদের সবাইকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।

দিনটি অনেক অনেক ভালো কেটেছে।

ধন্যবাদ আপনাদের ।

ধন্যবাদ @গুগোল









The day was amazing with lots of happiness. @Kamalhasnainee Thank you such a tremendous event. InshaAllah next time again we can do a big program in new year 2020! I am happy being a part of it.

Nice writing @Farhan21

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@Farhan21 brother, seems it was reallly a great meetup.

I would never miss it if i knew it. My bad.

I hope i will join your next meetup


We also never want to miss you @ShakilAK !

You’re the breath of meet-ups.


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Thanks for your generosity. I enjoyed kind hearted people’s company, and it is possible in the Meetups.

After reading so many Bangladeshi Meetups, I have came to understand how many wonderful things I have missed.

Its an honour meeting with you @Farhan21