[RECAP] First meet-up ever in Vietnam

Hi guys,

I just want to share my experiences for the first meet up I host:

At first, I was very confused about the meet up, I asked myself many time that if the meet up going to be OK

I asking around to find a place for the meet up and fortunately, 1 of my friends offer me a meeting room in his company :slight_smile: This help my meet up look much more professional than host the meet up in a coffee or somewhere else (for the first meet up, I thought so)

There was 8 people registered to join my meet up and only 6 of them showed up - haha this is not too bad for the first time, right?

On the meet up day, my guests came a little late, my schedule was at 9:00 but they all came around 9:15 and trust me, that 15 mins made me feel like hours xD

My host was about sharing the Local Guide Program on Google Map and the 2nd part is about the Connect Live 2019 so was not too much troubles for me to present. After 5-10 mins to breaking the ice, I started the presentation and it went very well, there was a meeting in the meeting room before the time I present and all the guests of that meeting decided to stay and join my meet-up as well. I didn’t expected this and it made me felt very happy and excited, there was totally more than 10 people in my first meet up!! One of my guest even live-stream the meet up on his Facebook!

I believe that the meet-up will be better next time I host because I get to used to the way how to do it already :smiley:
So trust me, if you want to host a meet-up but have no ideas how to do it, just make the first step and then follow the flow, it will going to be alright. Just brave up and good luck :slight_smile:


Hi @Nghia-Vo ,

Thanks for sharing the recap of the meet-up! : ]

It great to see how a first experience when hosting a meet-up can be both exciting and a bit anxious.

Here we would like to wish you for many more successful gathering between the Local Guides.

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