Recap - Empowered women : Gaura

First stop of the empowered women meet up series was Gaura. The nearest railway station is Babhnan which is around 20 kms away.

After her wedding sheela shifted to her in laws place in Gaura village, it’s a very remote place with no road connectivity. The nearest general store/market is around 8 kms away. Getting daily essentials in this village was a task. Sheela decided to do something about it. Convinced her inlaws and started the first general store of the village.

Married women are not allowed to work outside home in this village. Sheela turned this adversity into opportunity, she started her shop in one portion of her cow shed.

She also sells sanitary pads for the women in her village. All the daily essentials are available in her shop. Sheela made the life of the people around her a bit easy.

She has been running this store since 5 years. I have added her business on google maps giving her a global platform. I’m so proud to be a local guide. You don’t have to be a super hero to change the world, you just need a positive attitude like Sheela!

Link of her store - Sheela general store

(P.S. - I’ll be sharing the combined photo album of all the six meet ups.)



** @PriyankaU **

Nice to read about Empowered women of Gaura Mrs Sheela,

Thanks for Sharing…

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Congratulations @PriyankaU for successful meet-up. Your working on Empowered Women is really great.

From your recap post I have come to know about Sheela and her life style.

Waiting for more from you.


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Congratulations for your first successful meetup on Empowered women series. Best wishes for another great meetup @PriyankaU

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This is so nice! I feel so great when I add places like this even though for so many months, it may be only My Rating and my review on that business. I feel proud that even people can now search up their place on a browser. @PriyankaU

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