[Recap] Discovering Stockport

I always say that Stockport is not a holiday destination. (And should never be!) But for locals in the area they have some amazing attractions and history. And I did a post a while back called “the 7 wonders of Stockport” which maybe worth a read.

So we visited some of those places…

The Plaza - a Theatre which has an amazing 1940 cafe inside.

And the WW2 Airraid shelter, that holds 6500 people!

The plaza cafe does this incredible very English high tea. Which was worth every penny, if just for the experience.

Picture from @AdrianLunsong

Heading into the black out tunnels of the airraid shelter was just an incredible thing to see. Considering it 30° out side it’s a constant 10° inside)it was a chilling experience more ways than 1.

We had a guided tour of the shelter which was worth every penny. The lady took us though all the war time history of the location and really showed us what it was like. Lots of fab tip bits like the fact they had a working Plummed toilet! (Which for 1940 was almost unheard of!) And how war time kids were sent of of the big city’s to places like this.

What a wonderful day! We had a great time. Highly recommend if you in the area… Give me a shout and I will take you down!

@Badruddeen come see it.


6500 people and one dunny… wow…

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Yay Tim @TimBull

Thank you. Discovering Stockport is an interesting meet-up and I learned something new.

Thank you for not forgetting to tag me. :slight_smile:

I will definitely let you know if I am in that area.

Cheers mate.

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@PaulPavlinovich they had 6 toilets for every 300 people.

Only 8 physical toilets actually flushed…

All the rest was a oil drum and a toilet seat…


2 people (unpaid wardens) had to empty them every morning. Grim right.

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Grimm indeed. We still had a “night soil man” when I was very young who came and collected the full dunny pan and dropped in an empty one. We were one of the first in our neighbourhood to get a flushing dunny. Sad thing is that I’m not even that old :).

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@PaulPavlinovich how old were you when you got it?

That’s an amazing story!! As if.

It’s still incredible to think that people did not have normal toilets back in the day. It’s just a standard now. And I’m always shocked when I go over seas and find that the loos are so so nasty!

We have a family joke. Called “Vietnam standard” we would rate each loo we went to while we were there.

Out of 10. Some places did not even have loos!

I think about 3 years old @TimBull . Most areas had sewer from the early 1920’s (some earlier) but our estate was very new. We had a pan toilet while our septic installation was approved. When I was about 12 we got sewer.

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@PaulPavlinovich mental.

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