[RECAP] CL-21 Grooming Weekly Session-1| Raghav3

"If a student can’t understand the way we teach,

then we should teach the way they can understand"

Beloved LGs,

I would like to present my first recap post, meetup which was held yesterday, Hosted by myself, & organizer being our @TravellerG .

All this started a couple of days ago when our mentor TravellerG asked me “Are you ready to host a meetup in LG Connect”. Then I told him “I have never hosted a meetup before, and I don’t know how to host”. Then he told me “No problem I will be with you”. Through mobile conversation, he explained to me how to apply for meetup approval in LG Connect & how to host a meetup with a step by step process very clearly.

After applying for meetup approval, within two hours my meetup got sanctioned by Google. Thank you, dear Google, for approving my first meetup within two hours.

The next day, we collaborators had a discussion and allotted particular roles for different collaborators.

MCs - @Gurukrishnapriya & myself.

Technical Speaker - @TravellerG.

Technical collaborators - @IshantHP_ig & @Anil6969

Few collaborators couldn’t join us due to their non-availability.

Now, it’s time for rejoicing. Yes, you are correct, we are about to start the meetup, & now the time is 5:20 pm - we collaborators joined the meetup and went to our slots. A couple of minutes later, LGs had started to arrive, by 5:30 pm we had around 16 LGs… then we started the meetup session with self-introduction & by 6:00pm, the attendees grew to 42 LGs.

We started off as per the agenda:

6:00 pm - TravellerG started with the topic “LG CONNECT for BEGINNERS”

And at

6:35 pm - he switched over to “TAGGING in LG CONNECT” (intermediate level).

We had slight lagging by 5 minutes since TravellerG had some technical issues between 6:15 - 6:20 pm. Meanwhile, I continued for a few minutes explaining the topic, by the time, he returned back to the topic.

From 7 PM, during the QUESTION & ANSWER session, along with TravellerG, @Shrut19 , Ishant, GuruKrishanaPriya, we cleared many LGs doubts.

At 7:30 pm we gave a time slot for those LGs who could not do their self-introduction, earlier.

Throughout the meetup, we had around 30-35 active LGs. Finally, by 7:45 pm the LGs dispersed.

Now, you can read the quote at the top of this RECAP. Can you understand?. @TravellerG sir enabled me to understand all the instructions to host a successful Virtual Meetup.

We have adhered to the time schedule as planned earlier since this is an academic session. All these together made my first hosted meetup a grand success, in my LG Connect history. My heartfelt thanks to our mentor @TravellerG and our collaborators for helping me from the starting to till the end.

Once again thank you, dear attendees - Without you, this meetup would have been impossible.




Glad you enjoyed your first meet-up @Raghav3 it sounds interesting.


Hey @Raghav3 … !

You’re amazing host man…! I couldn’t got that you’re a beginner… Really your presentations, your way of presenting, as a host… All you done amazingly…

And if I’m saying about this recap… Well written man…! Great…

Thank you @TravellerG Sir for providing a great plateform where we are learning a lot… Topics in that meet-up, were great… I learned a lot… And in future, I’m eagerly waiting for amazing and new ideas, which you will share with us… Thank you so much… :blush: :blush:

:hearts: :hearts:



#Greattt Happy to hear on its outcome. Well done.

Thanks & Regards,



Dear @Raghav3 I really missed this meet-up. I felt sad for not be part of your presentation and unable to see your speech. But by the feedback of our Indian local guides I came to know that it was successful. I also felt the major contribution of @TravellerG ., @Gurukrishnapriya .


Hii @Raghav3 thank you for arranging this meetup, we as a juniors we learned more about some basics about the Local Connect, my suggestions is to make more meetups like this, it will more helpful for us, and if u provide the basics with some more clear means it will more useful for us…, we are waiting for our next meeting…thank you so much for all who teach us more things about Local Connect.


Thanks, my dear friend, @PaulPavlinovich

Your positive words will definitely motivate the children very much…

Your response will be a very big morale booster for @Raghav3

With warm regards


Hello friends & Team members,

As you have mentioned, I too fully agree that our Raghav did an exemplary work… Congratulations, again dear Raghav…


Your response & kind words are major gifts & inspiration for our @Raghav3 to perform better…

Thanks & regards,

@Shruti_U , @aaryesdee , Jose benjamin, @Gilluu


It was a Nice experience to learn new things from seniors. Thank you Dear @Raghav3 Brother for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this meetup & specially thanks to @TravellerG Sir for guidance & teaching.



** @Raghav3 **

Thanks for Sharing point to point explanation, due to network issue could not attend earlier but I enjoyed to share knowledge…

**Thanks for giving opportunity @TravellerG **


Dear friends,

I appreciate the zeal shown by you all; I am happy that we are able to share the experiences we have, with you all.

Request you all to post your doubts in LGs Cp-21 World What’sApp group, so that we can locate answer at one place - thanks for your cooperation:
@Viksaini_89 , @Shrut19 , @Gilluu , @Jose_G_Benjamin @Shruti_U

& All


Hello dear Team Member, @Raghav3

  1. The quality of your overall, consistent performance prompted me to call for the first weekly meet up hosting

  2. Since I know your style, guiding you to host the meetup, was simple for me - appreciate your grasping power too - proud of you…

  3. You did your planning well, understanding the needs of an academic session.

  4. You did your preparations well & it was clear when my internet failed - you continued the session without break.

  5. I also appreciate your team members who teamed up with you to make the meetup successful.

  6. My special regards to all collaborators & Attendees.

  7. I also convey my special regards @Gurukrishnapriya , @IshantHP_ig , @Anil6969 & others


This meet up cleared very basic queries of new Local guides. It was quite helpfull and things were discussed in details.

Thank you @Raghav3 @TravellerG @Shrut19 @Viksaini_89 @Gilluu


Yes, @PaulPavlinovich I enjoyed my first host meetup with my collaborative team and with new LGs . In this meetup I got new local guide friends. @TravellerG sir, you guided me in right way from the beginning to till the end of this meetup. As a academic meetup I have learned new things in LG Connect. TravellerG , @Gurukrishnapriya , @IshantHP_ig , @Anil6969 you all played your roles perfectly without any issues… you are really wonderful @Shrut19 . You joined us in the Question & Answer sessions made us really happy, thank you for your contribution. Comments by all the above members meant a lot me, especially TravellerG & PaulPavilnovich.

Thank you other collaborators @meghanajain , @PriyankaS1205 , @Rohan1008 , @KishorMali .


@Raghav3 @Thanks for tagging me…

And @Shrut19 is always amazing local guide… And very helpful…

Congratulations bro to hosting first meet up, till this date I not host any meet up!!!

And main thing,

Working with @TravellerG Sir, boost our confidence 10x…

@Gurukrishnapriya you are very Supportive …

@IshantHP_ig @Anil6969

Thanks all of you…


Thank you @Raghav3 For this meet-up.
As a local guide this was my first meet-up.
Before this meet up I was exited as well as nervous. But my nervousness ended after listening to @TravellerG and @Gurukrishnapriya Thank you so much. Felt very familiar
And thank you @Shrut19 Your speech gave a different energy. Feeling highly motivated after this meet-up
There will also be waiting for this type of meet-ups.


@Raghav3 This is a amazing. Best of luck. Thanks for your post.


Hi @Nomad_vikram

For me it’s a great pleasure for having met you all. Let’s guide.


Hi @Raghav3

Though this is your first meet-up, your meticulous work is reflected throughout the meetup. I am really very happy to be associated with you all.

I thank @TravellerG whose guidance is unparalleled.

I also thank @IshantHP_ig @KishorMali @Anil6969 and all others who are instrumental for the success of this meet-up.


Welcome @Gurukrishnapriya