[Recap] Celebrate 1st Anniversary of Jakarta Local Guide

This story began nearly 1 year ago. From @UlyTheresia , @Bang_Insan, and others, they all created a group, a community where some people will contribute to making a better Maps, giving the others a valid information, Jakarta Local Guide. And now the time has come, we celebrate a year of togetherness.

We celebrate it with happiness and knowledge. We called it “Sharing Session”, which the idea was to sharing knowledge, tips, and trick, not only for Local Guide and Maps but people around us who need our help.

Mr. Bambang, Mr. Hendra, Mr. @RahmatHarmanP , Mr. @BudiFXW , Ms. @RiaLyzara , and Mr. @inimasabi are some of Jakarta Local Guide’s Member who have been shared their expertise and experience with us. Also, Mr. Sulandi from Google Business Group introduces us what is Business Group and encourage us to become an entrepreneur.

Before we go to the sharing session, UlyTheresia has the privilege to cut the birthday cake, and “Tumpeng” (a Javanese traditional yellow baked rice). We all hope that this community became bigger than before, also better than before.

The first three of the speaker, Mr. Bambang, Mr. Rahmat, Mr. Hendra share their expertise on Photography, 360 photos, and Street View trusted photographer. We are so enthusiast to hear from them about it. How to improve our skill, make a good photo. Then, Mr. Budi giving a lot of tips how he became a one of Level 10 Local Guide. From little things, like drove her wife to the market, he could give a review, take photos and post it on the Maps. Also when he commute using public transport, his using his idle time to giving a review to the place he has visited.

Ms. Ria shared her experience with Google Contributor, how she became a Top Contributor and invited by Google to meet the other contributor. Now we know, not only became a Local Guide to help people out there, there is some other way.
At last, Mr. Abi told us, there is one way or another to help people out there. He became a Youtuber, internet public figure. He made a lot of videos, from giving a review to some places, until making a “How-To” video. You can see the videos has been made by him in here.

A lot of things that we didn’t know before, and after all of them share their story, we know how from little things, answering people’s question, taking photos, and make a video blog, could help a lot of people out there.This is serious stuff (30% serious, 70% laugh), but also the fun and the good ones.

We share, we laugh, we contribute, we help. We also wonder, what journey ahead will make us.
This is our anniversary story. What about yours?


Hey @AriefD ,

Thanks for taking the time to write this RECAP. It looks like you had great time.

I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Connect spam filters run 24/7 and caught your post by mistake. The category for this RECAP is also correct.

Best regards,



Selamat Kakak sudah post recapnya. Thank you udah jadi host keren maksimal. Thank you juga buat tim yang membantu, kerja bagus dah.



Awesome Recap @AriefD . Congratulations on the successful year one, wish you all the best for upcoming days too.

Namaste, Niraj


Aku suka, aku suka, aku suka…

Terima kasih untuk semua pembicara dalam acara ini, sangat inspiratif, membuat saya termotivasi untuk bisa lebih semangat lagi untuk berkontribusi…

Peluk & cium untuk semua member Jakarta Local Guides…:kissing_heart:

Semangat berkontribusi & membantu orang banyak…


Thank you @AriefD you do a great jobs. From preparing , hosting moderating the meeting and preparing this details RECAP.

Two thumbs up for you and friends that make the meet ups success.

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It’s a great Job @AriefD

Thanks for sharing any problem and solving together… Hope we can make another fun agenda with Jakarta Local Guide!

Anyway, thanks for all!


Sounds like a really fun meetup @AriefD ! Thanks for sharing the stories. It’s too bad I wasn’t in Jakarta, otherwise I’d love to attend. I’m currently planning my next trip to Jakarta, hopefully I’ll be able to meet you guys :slight_smile:


I think this is one of the coolest meet-up, packing up educational and fun content in a Sharing Session idea!! :wave::wave: (30% serious, 70% laugh) LoL :blush:.

meet directly with Jakarta Local Guide Friends it’s awesome!!! there are 45 more people attend this Anniversary of Jakarta Local Guide, @UlyTheresia but I missed the video call with @iyudhi

thanks to all Jakarta Local Guide Friends for making this happen, really appreciate… keren!!!

@Harzone @ns_septi thanks for capturing this moment…


A very complete recap @AriefD :slight_smile: …me with slight smile while reading.

Thank you so much for managing this event, it was super fun, informative, and full of happiness.

okay, let me say this one more time, actually I’m just the person who initiated to create a whatsapp group,

not really a founder, hmm, although, ‘founder’ sounds cool… haha

I thank to God too, that Jakarta Local Guide can be this far, so I can meet new friends, sharing knowledge and having fun together.

You guys are awesome. Still can’t describe by words.

Dont forget to say a big thanks special to @RahmatHarmanP and @AinM who unknowingly convince me about this community (?) . wow haha

Last but not least, thanks to all who came to this event, I learn a lot from you guys.

As this is our first anniversary, i want to say “Happy Anniversary, Keep Sharing, Keep Contributing”


Selamat atas hari jadi pertama Jakarta Local Guide. Semoga saya dapat mengikuti meet-up komunitas ini pada kesempatan berikutnya.


Terima kasih @aritsiduy110892 atas doanya. Jangan sungkan untuk datang ke warm and welcoming community. The Jakarta Local Guides.



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Happy anniversary to the whole team @AriefD .:slight_smile:


Ouch it’s really nice to participate of that event. hope next time I can come… Happy 1st anniversary

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Very nice recap @AriefD

Happy 1st anniversary for Jakarta Local Guide

Congrats @AriefD , and thankful for the great first anniversary of jakarta local guide, and nice to see you. :blush::clap::+1:

Where have I been? Why I just knew this now… its just about a few days ago and I missed it! I hope I can join the next meeting, please let me know.

Happy 1st Anniversary ,

Semoga bertambah sukses kedepannya,

Keep sharing

Keep contact

Keep Contribute


keren dan mantap acaranya…sukses buat jakarta local guide cc mas rahmat harman

Wah keren, nggak nyangka ternyata ada ya komunitasnya Local Guides dari Jakarta, caranya join gimana?